25| Rain

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Chapter 25: Rain (Ava's POV)

By the time we made it to the villa, the sun hid behind the clouds again and it was cloudy and grey outside. I love the rain, I love this weather. I love the cold breeze that blows by in this kind of weather, I love the tiny drops of rain when it starts to drizzle. If there's a storm and it rains heavily, I love the sound of thunder and the sight of lightning. I love it all. 

"Stop staring at the sky with such adoration, Ava. We should get inside before it rains, come on," Rhys laughed softly, taking my hand. 

"I want to stay outside. It looks beautiful out here. You know how much I like the rain." I turned to him. "Please?" 

He sighed, turning to Mr. Crosswell, the caretaker for the villa. "Could you please take these inside?" 

Mr. Crosswell nodded, taking the bags from him. 

Rhys turned to me while a grin tugged at my lips. "All right, where are we going? What are we doing?" He grabbed my hand, locking his fingers with mine. 

"Can we sit in the backyard?" 

He chuckled and instead of walking through the villa, we walked around it, using the back gate to enter the backyard. 

I glanced over at the swing set which has been here since we were kids, then I looked over at the pier which leads straight to the lake, then I glanced at the oak tree with the round bench surrounding it. "God, this place hasn't changed one bit," I stated, smiling softly. 

"My parents wanted to change it up." 

I turned to him in confusion. "Why didn't you let them?" 

"Why would I let them? I like it how it is. Changing it would strip it of its memories. I only like this place because of my memories here. My memories as a kid with my parents and grandparents, with you, Ashton, and I hate to admit it, but Brooke too." 

I laughed, taking another look around. "I never understood why the two of you didn't get along." 

"I think I know why," he mumbled, both of us strolling towards the swings and sitting on one each. 

"Why?" I questioned, looking at him while slowly rocking back and forth. 

"She knows, Ava. I think she does. Did you ever notice, she started picking fights with me only after we started dating in secret? Before that, we never really talked much. We never argued but we could have a conversation if we needed to. But after that, she would take any chance to pick a fight with me. I think she knew we were together. And I think she didn't like me for you. Which, in all fair due, is okay. She's your sister, of course, she wants the best for you. She loves you. But I don't think she thought I was good enough for you. She must have thought I don't deserve you. And I agree. I don't." 

"Rhys," I mumbled. 

"It's true. What I did is proof of that," he chuckled dryly. 

Thunder crackled in the sky before it started drizzling softly, getting heavier, the drops coming down on my skin harder. 

"You hate me and I know that." He looked at me. 

"I don't hate you." 

"You did." 

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