Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Layton asked me if I wanted dessert – and I did. We ordered some dessert, and talked some more. There was a long wait for the third course, and Layton began to get impatient. I, on the other hand, just kept drinking the White Wine that Layton had got. More than I should have done.

"Where is that damn waiter?" Layton growled, annoyed. I took another sip of the wine, noticing how I felt a little bit drunk. My head felt like it was swimming, with Layton and the restaurant seeming  further away than it was. "I'm going to go find him, and hurry him up".

Layton moved, storming away from the table with frustration. I giggled at him; I didn't mean to, the sound just slipped out. Shocked, Layton paused – frozen on the spot as if time had suddenly stopped – then slowly, painfully slowly, he turned back around.

His dark eyebrow raised, looking at me with confusion. I giggled again, before slapping my hands over my mouth in an almost slapstick way. Layton watched me for a few seconds; as if I was a hard equation he couldn't figure out.

"Sorry" I apologised, before I laughed again. The second time more manic and hysterical. Again, I put my hand over my mouth to muffle the sound. Layton forgot about his quest to search for our delayed desserts, and walked over to me.

"How much have you had to drink?" Layton demanded, he used his dominate voice. I bowed my head, eyes cast to the floor, but I couldn't help but giggle once more. Layton took a seat next to me, and gripped my chin. He roughly forced my head up. He repeated his question, "how much have you had to drink?"

"Two glasses, maybe three" I replied, staring directly into Layton's emerald eyes. I took notice of how nice his eyes were – a swirling mixture of plush green, mint and gold. They were breath-taking eyes, if I were any good of an artist I would have wanted to paint them. I wanted to shout to the world how amazing his eyes were. "You have beautiful eyes" I blurted.

"So you think I have nice eyes, yet you feel no desire towards me at all" he muttered, annoyed.

"You scare me" I admitted, still staring into his eyes. I shouldn't have been staring so intently into his eyes – it was disrespectful. Yet, Layton didn't scowled more nor did he break the eye contact. He seemed to like that I was making eye contact with him; I wasn't submitting to him, and he liked it.

"Lots of people are scared of me" he commented.

"Doesn't that make you sad?"

"Everyone is supposed to be scared of me" Layton stated, with a small shrug. "If people are scared of me, they don't fuck me or my pack. So, if people are scared then they leave me alone. However, I don't want you scared of me. Not now we're mates".

Just then, the waiter turned up with our desserts. Layton turned away from me – finally breaking our intense eye contact – and glared at the waiter. "We've been waiting far too long for this course. We don't want it now, take it back and I will not be paying for this or the bad service here" he snapped.

"I'm sorry, Mr Vetteriano--" the waiter began, but I corrected him quickly.

"He likes to be called Layton" I told him, with a firm nod of the head.

"No I don't" Layton snapped, furious. He looked angry – ready to kill. "Call me Mr Vetteriano or we will have a problem". He was glaring at the waiter, trying to burn holes through his skin. The waiter visually gulped, before muttering an apology to Layton and rushing off to get a manager.

Layton turned to me and frowned, "only you can call me Layton. Do not, I repeat do not, make me seem weak to others". His words were harsh, and said with a furious growl of anger. I whimpered at his tone, and dropped my head. Drunk or not I would always submit to an Alpha.

Blood Alpha (Chosen Mate Series 1) [Complete]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz