Chapter Twenty Three

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A/N - okay first, a lot of people are complaining that there are no sex scenes in this story. That is because I put this story up a few months ago, and so many people reported it, because of the sex scenes, wattpad took it down.

I have no problem with sex scenes, as I am not a virgin and love writing taboo subjects - such as gay relationships, bdsm stories ect. But I will not be putting any in this story as I don't want it taken down again! I have many other stories, two specific R-Rated Shifters stories - which I have put links for underneath - so read those if that's what you like.

So, yeah, nothing for Layton + Gemini because I don't want the story to be reported again!

Anyway, please check this out if you're old enough to read that stuff.

Love you all and please enjoy this chapter ;D



Chapter Twenty Three

A week into being at the Hender pack, I began to get incredibly home sick. I wanted to return back home to Layton, and to a territory I knew. When I'd first arrived at Hender pack, I had thought it beautiful and picturesque. Yet, it looked so similar that I kept getting lost.

I had been working in a little shop – with the She-Wolf Emma, that Valentine had introduced Layton and I to on our first day at the pack. Emma was nice, but I wouldn't have classed us as friendly, and the work at the shop was easy. When I was in Gresall pack I worked in a bakery, and that was a lot harder than the shop.

Evan had started at the Medical School, about half an hour away, and was really enjoying it. Every time I saw him studying, I was confused by what he was doing. I was good at school, but never top of the class, and medicine was definitely not something I knew anything about. Evan was clever, and I knew he'd make a great doctor.

During one of my morning at work, Valentine came to visit me at the shop. "Good morning Gemini" he smiled at me, strolling in. I smiled as I looked at him; he wore a smart suit like he usually did, and held himself regally. Valentine reminded me of a prince, the way he held himself it was as if nothing could ever touch him.

"Morning" I replied. There was a moment of pause, before I added; "Alpha". I was shocked with how hard I was finding it to be submissive once more. I had spent the majority of my life submitting to Alpha's, Beta's and all strong Wolves. Yet, after a short affair with Layton, I had become so desensitised to status, that I kept forgetting to submit to Valentine.

Valentine smiled softly, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. He found it funny how I kept forgetting to call him Alpha, and not Valentine, but he never commented on it. He just let me struggle alone. "How can I help you, Alpha?" I asked.

"Take a walk with me Gemini". He gestured out the shop door. It was a nice day, with a hot sun and warm breeze.

"Let me just get Emma to cover me" I replied, before heading into the back room and grabbing Emma. Once Emma was set up out front, I followed Valentine out the shop. We walked for a few moments in silence; both of us taking slow, casual, steps through the forest area.

"How are you finding everything?" Valentine questioned – breaking the silence.

"I miss him" I said honestly. "Since he choose me, I spent every day with him. But now that I'm not, it's feels wrong. Like I've lost a limb, or I'm grieving for someone who hasn't died. I just miss him an awful lot".

Blood Alpha (Chosen Mate Series 1) [Complete]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora