Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Layton refused to let me come with him, and we argued about it. Well, I argued, Layton just locked me in the house. I could have climbed out the window, or smashed the French doors on the balcony. But, I didn't. Because despite everything, I still didn't want to upset Layton.

So, I sat at the kitchen island and waited. And waited. And waited. I was extremely nervous about what would happen if the police found out about the second murder. I was also nervous, and scared, as I thought of who was killing and why.

When Layton returned, it was dawn. Walking into the kitchen, he saw me and frowned. "Have you been waiting for me?" he asked, coming up to me. I jumped off the stool and he held me close.

"I was scared" I admitted, resting my head against his broad chest. I could hear his elevated heart rate, and that instantly made me nervous. Layton wasn't the type to get nervous, or startled, but something had really sped up his heart race.

"I've got you, don't worry, I'll keep you safe" Layton said, pressing a soft kiss to the top of my head.

"Layton what happened?" I asked, trying to pull away. However, Layton didn't let me; he held me tighter and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. It was odd behaviour from Layton, he was never clingy. So his behaviour worried me, because I was always the clingy one – never him.

"The human, there was a message next to the body" Layton told me. I pulled back again, he let me that time, and I looked up into his face. "I took the message away, so the police nor the rest of the pack have seen it. And I want to keep it that way".

"What did the message say?" I asked, frowning deeply. There was a moment of pause, as Layton just stared down into my eyes. "Layton, what did the message say?" I repeated, more forcefully the second time.

Layton reached into his pocket, and pulled out a piece of folded paper. He gripped it tight, looking grim, before he handed it to me. I took a step away from him as I unfolded the paper.

The note was spelt out using newspaper, and magazine, letters – like I had seen in movies. The words read out. 'Blonde hair, grey eyes, and a beautiful mind and body. Remind you of anyone? The first girl was Jessica Smith. The second girl was Scarlet Jackson. The third girl will be Gemini Vetteriano and I'll be killing two wolves with one stone'.

Underneath was a picture of me, taken earlier that day, with a pregnancy test in my hand. The picture was taken from outside the drug store, and the humans who attacked me were just up from me – watching me close.

I looked over the letter, the breath catching in my throat. I felt tears filling up my eyes as I looked up at Layton. His face was unreadable and stoic; as hard as the first day I'd seen him. We stared in each other's eyes for a few minutes, as silent tears spilled over my cheeks.

"When was this taken?" Layton asked, breaking the heavy silence.

"This morning" I whispered, "that was what I was going to tell you earlier, before Antony came. Layton, I'm pregnant". There was a tense moment, as we continued to stare at each other. Then, Layton viciously grabbed my neck and jerked my head up. Pain shot through my neck, but it went as soon as his lips touched mine.

I threw my hands around his neck, as we kissed. The desperation between our lips was almost unbearable. I could feel his fear, just as he could feel mine. My hands held onto his neck hard, as he picked me up.

Layton took a seat on the couch, and I sat straddling his lap. We kissed for a while long – long, passionate, desperate kisses. The kisses felt wet because of my tears that mingle with it. When we pulled away, we were both gasping from breath.

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