Enemies or not

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Jungkook was frustrated , since meeting Jimin two days ago he felt bad encouraging the flurry of girls that came to the parlour to flirt with him, except of course when he saw Jimin cleaning and sweeping outside his shop. Then he would stand outside visible to Jimin if he looked up and flirt outrageously trying to make the other jealous, trying to get some reaction other than disdain.
At the moment he and RM were leaning against the wall outside, RM waiting for Jin and him well he was just waiting to catch a glimpse of Jimin.
"For gods sake Kook go over talk to him."
"No,I am the Alpha he should come to me."
"Like that's working," smirked RM getting a glare from the other.
They suddenly saw RM's mate Jin coming down the side stairs with a smiling Jimin, both seeming in good spirits. They saw Jin say something to Jimin and point over to the tattoo parlour, which made Jimin look there,seeing the two men outside you could see him hesitate then shake his head, gesturing to his shop before waving goodbye, unlocking the door and disappearing inside.
Jin walked over to the two , pecking RM on the lips.
"Hi babe, what were you doing with Jimin?" RM said.
"I wanted to meet the little omega that has our Alpha here all flustered."
"He does not!" Jungkook whined," did you talk about me, did you tell him how great I am." He went on.
"No , I told him about RM working here and being my mate and that if he needed help in the shop when it opens, to call me," Jin smiled at his partner," I was going to bring him to introduce you to him, but he saw Jungkook here and I quote,"thanks I'll meet him another time when that fuckboy isn't there!"
Jungkook growled his little omega was quite the smart mouth,Jin and RM laughed.
What did the omega have against him?How was he resisting him, he was finding it hard not to walk over and fuck that booty for all and sundry to see, his wolf at times threatening to come out. He stared at the shop boring holes through the window as if that would make his mate come out.

Jimin had met the lovely Jin, his whole body giving off a motherly vibe which comforted Jimin. They had talked cake recipes Jin promising to bring one for Jimin to try in the shop, he had also talked with the other omega about working there at times,Jimin knew he would need cover when his heat was on.He didn't use a fuckbuddy at these times as he never felt the need to be with a random individual, this could be hard when his heat came, as his whole body craved the closeness. He huffed, he certainly wouldn't make himself available to that Alpha, he looked like he had a harem if all the comings and going's he'd seen was anything to go by.
He was eager for his shop to open all that was left was to hang his sign outside. Tae had offered to put it up later this afternoon but Jimin thought he would have a go as surely it couldn't be that hard the bracket and hooks to hold it already there.
He glanced across the road, good he thought no one outside. He dragged a ladder outside, struggling, propping it up he then brought out the sign . Looking at the ladder he gulped not keen on being up higher but told himself to stop being a wuss he hooked the sign and chain across his back and climbed up .
He stood on tiptoe to reach the hook but then became aware of people around the ladder,looking down he saw three people looking up smirking, one he could tell immediately was an Alpha.
"Hey sweet cheeks , the view here is good, what say you to me grabbing that arse and making it mine?" the Alpha growled out suggestively,"oh shit ," thought Jimin standing precariously on the ladder having eventually managed to hang the sign,how was he going to get out of this!!!
"Jungkookie do you think I should have this travel down further," the pretty girl said to Jungkook, trailing her hand from her shoulder which he was tattooing to her breast.
"Whatever you want Lisa," jungkook dismissively said to the beta trying her best to get his attention on her curves.
"Kookie what's with you don't you like me anymore?" The beta huffed not used to being ignored by this Alpha she was determined to have.
"All done," jungkook carefully wiped the girls shoulder blade, not willing to be drawn into a long conversation with the girl. His head was filled with a petite omega.
"JUNGKOOK!!" He heard RM yell.
Coming out of the cubicle he saw RM pulling his gloves off headed to the door,nodding outside for Jungkook to look. Jungkook felt his blood boil at what he saw.
Hanging onto the ladder Jimin was too afraid to move, the leering Alpha below reaching up and grabbing his ankle being egged on by his friends,"you would look so good underneath me , I could show you how a real Alpha feels, you can be my new toy."
"P-please go away,I don't want this.!"
"An omega is denying me!"the Alpha said,sensing the others fear and sending out pheromones to make the omega bow down to him.
Jungkook stormed over ,RM following him."GET OFF THAT LADDER NOW AND DONT TOUCH HIM AGAIN!!"
"Hey ,Jungkook what are you getting het up for it's just an omega ?"
"I told you to go,"
"Haven't you got enough , Jungkook you won't miss this little omega !"
Jungkook drew himself up to his full height his eyes red and voice deep and threatening making the others step away from the ladder,everyone knew not to mess with this strong Alpha,"YOU NEVER GO NEAR HIM AGAIN OR I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS."
"Ok ,ok,chill out man....." the three drifted off muttering as they went.
At that moment Lisa who had been watching all this came over tugging at Jungkooks arm," hey Jungkookie come on let's go have something to drink,they've gone now ,this....omega is ok let's go."
RM called to Jimin," ok Jimin they have gone you can come down,I'll help you."
Jungkook looked at RM, " I'll help him."
Lisa not liking all the attention on this omega nugged the ladder while the two males weren't looking, causing Jimin who had been holding on white knuckled to shriek as he and the ladder fell.
In the blink of an eye Jungkook was there catching the small boy and holding him to his chest bridal style as the shaking boy clung onto him ,arms round his neck and head on his chest.
Jungkook let out some calming pheromones feeling the shaking in the boy, nuzzling against the boys head as he held him tight."sssh your ok baby, your ok."
Lisa looking at jungkook with the omega and knew that something was going on with the pair and wasn't happy about it. Something had to be done about this newcomer she thought,stomping off when she realised Jungkook was totally ignoring her.
Jimin felt a sense of belonging in Jungkooks strong arms, he had been scared when the other Alpha was there and also realised that being high up on a ladder was not a good idea with his phobia of heights, for a while he relaxed in the Alphas hold, nuzzling his mouth against the others neck, feeling his wolf skip around inside him at being so close, he felt protected until his wolf whined ,"MATE", this made him suddenly remember where he was and with whom.
"P-put me down....please"
" I rather like holding you like this baby."
"T-thank you for your help but I need to get down now!" He finished his voice stronger.
Jungkook let him down ,staring at him intently, Jimin turned away going to pick up the fallen ladder and struggling to carry it away.Jungkook picked the ladder up as though it was as light as a feather."round the back?" He questioned, Jimin nodded.
Jimin felt flustered what was wrong with him he thought!
When Jungkook came back Jimin thanked him again and dashed upstairs to his apartment before the other could say or do anything.
Jungkook stared after him , more determined than ever to get his mate to accept him.

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