My mate

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Jungkook stared in complete surprise as the small boy dropped to the ground, he came out of his trance and rushed over to the boy picking him up in his arms and cradling to his chest, never wanting to let him go.
"Jimin baby wake up please Jimin, he rocked the boy in his lap concerned at how light he had become, seeing the blue tinge beneath his eyes showing his tiredness.
The small boys beautiful eyes fluttered open;" mmmmm, Jungkook? Am I dreaming again," he murmured.
"No baby it's me, are you ok , why did you pass out," he asked concerned.
"Jimin shook with laughter," some maniac Alpha just scared the shit out of me ," he sassed before struggling up and out of the Alphas arms.
"Erm, sorry," he said" didn't mean to Erm put you out," he said nervously twiddling his fingers.
"I thought you were a burglar,"
"Where have you been Jimin?"
Jimin stepped back looking around as if by doing so he wouldn't be aware of the Alphas eyes boring into him. Jungkook stepped forward causing Jimin to fidget and go behind the breakfast bar.
" oh you know here and there,"
Jungkook kept walking nearer, Jimin felt like a deer trapped in headlights.
"Why did you go Jimin," the Alphas tone resonated with his dominant aura.
"I-I had to go, yes, Erm , got bored, needed a change ," he lied.
"So why back now?"
"B-because Jin wants this place so I thought I'd clear out my stuff."
Jungkook looked surprised, taking his phone out he called Jins number asking if what Jimin said was true.
Jimin could only hear one side of the conversation which after the initial conversation consisted off,
"Right here,"
"You did!"
"No you can't "
"Because we will be busy,"
"You to....ok....yes I could kiss you,bye"
Jungkook looked at Jimin like he was prey, smiling at him lustfully.
"Did you have your heat Jimin?"
"I know you did because my rut came."
He saw the boy look despondently down.
"I didn't go with anyone Jimin,"
The smaller boys head shot up, relief in the back of his eyes before they darted away.
"Do you remember your last heat, the first time I saw your delectable body , it's stayed in my mind Jimin thoughts of it keep me awake, I want to feel you under me, me inside you what do you think Jimin?"
Jimins eyes had darkened at the sensual memories, then realising Jungkook had asked a question he willed himself to speak.
"I think can do better than me....I think you were right we should be p-platonic friends,y-you should move on I'm sure Lisa still wants you,at least she never lied about her feelings," he finished tears threatening to fall as he pushed past the alpha carrying on packing things up.
"I don't want Lisa, I want you my mate."
"Don't Jungkook please don't, I know what you must think of me , you can't like me, I don't like myself , I know you left because you were disgusted with me,I am disgusted with myself my whole attitude was wrong,I'm toxic Jungkook, bad things happen to people who care about me, I can't hurt you anymore than I have," with that he burst into tears and ran to his bedroom closing the door and slumping to the floor crying his eyes out.
Jungkook froze the sobs tearing through him his heart breaking along with his mates,
Turning he closed the front door locking it then walked to the bedroom door," jimin let me in please,"
" I can't, I can't see the one I love look at me like the awful person I am, just leave Kookie, I'll be gone soon you can get back to normal."
Jimin loved him ? His mate loved him!
"Jimin let me in , I don't hate you,"
"You do you told me in that note that it's better not to be mates just be friends,"
"I was talking about me, I thought you despised me that's why you went out that night to find someone better, I was so scared that I had caused you to go to those lengths to get away from me,and then I hit you, my mate and I felt even more guilt so I wrote that so you could be free of me,I'll always want you Jimin, I love you."
The door opened and a tear stained face peeked through,"y-you love me?"
The other nodded,"always," he said smiling.
A petite figure jumped up into his arms legs wrapped around his waist an eager mouth kissing his .
Arousel was immediate between the two the kisses becoming more passionate ,clothes being stripped off then jungkook freezing," what's this?" He said fingers running over the NEVER MIND tattoo  new on Jimins chest.
Jimin started shaking,"you d-don't like it?"
Jungkook seeing his tone was scaring the boy brought him in for a hug,"I love it, what I don't like is the idea of another person touching my mate ,@ he said jealousy evident in his voice.
"I'm sorry Kookie, I couldn't very well ask you to do it could I? It was something for me to try and believe in you know like, never mind if I don't succeed today there's always tomorrow or Never mind the haters there's always someone who will like you,it's silly I know," he went quietly.
"Oh's ok baby I love it and it's meaning but if you decide on anymore ink I will do it ok?" He said kissing the boy again this time there was no stopping them, clothes went everywhere, hands travelled everywhere , jimins moans were like music to Jungkooks ears, the time spent apart made the two boys want  to just consume each other," jungkook just fuck me," Jimin gasped
Jungkook reached into a drawer finding lube and moistening around Jimins hole inserting his fingers his dick throbbing to feel that tight hole," I'm sorry baby I just want you now , he flipped round so he was on his back and Jimin was straddling him ," ride me baby@,
Jimin lowered himself onto Jungkooks rigid length,  pleasure shooting through him,
"Fuck baby your tight hole fits around me like a glove,"
Jimin stared down at his lover ,"Kookie mark me"
Jungkook stared at his mate," your sure, no going back?"
"Claim me ,"
"Only if you claim me too baby,"
The two males soon had a rythm going time apart making the arousel stronger , Jimins hands pressed in Jungkooks chest moans heavier his cocktail leaking precum ,Jungkook flipped them round again pushing himself deeper into his omega , " jimin I'm gonna mark you when I come ," he growled.
"Ditto baby  " the males inclined their necks to each other their teeth extending, as they orgasmed together each bit into each other the sweet pain intensifying the pleasure. As they milked each other dry they lapped at their marks helping in the healing,as they had mated Jungkook couldn't help but say 'mine,
"Your mine too my Aloha my mate,I love you ."
" Not as much as I love and adore you"
"Much as I absolutely love the sex can we cuddle and sleep."
Jungkook chuckled," baby much as I love the sex too these last few weeks have drained me so let's cuddle and sleep,"
The two males cleaned themselves up then crawled into bed hugging each other tightly.
"Jimin...." A sleepy jungkook said
""Hmmm," a tired reply
"About the sex......tomorrow's another day,"
A giggle a kiss on his chest and," lots of tomorrows now my love "
The two males slept relief at finding each other the perfect ending for two dated mates.

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