Night out

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It had been a week since Jungkook had spoken to Jimin, not because he didn't want to, more like Jimin had a knack for disappearing when he came anywhere near his shop, only able to do this as Jin had taken a liking to working there and would turn up and would Shoo Jimin off to make cakes for the next day or get supplies.
Today Jimin insisted on Jin finishing work early afternoon." But Jimin....",
"Go home and chill out for a few hours...I'm inviting you and RM to the club tonight, Tae has arranged it with Hobi, we can celebrate the coffee pot success!"
"Yes!," Jin said excitedly," ok then,I will see you later, shut up early, relax yourself, I hope you like dancing."
"I love dancing,I will put you to shame," giggled the small boy, after arranging a time to meet Jin left.

"Jungkook, I haven't got anymore clients so I'm gonna leave, need a nap if I'm gonna keep up with Jin tonight."
" Hey I don't want to know about your love life ," a frustrated Jungkook said.
"What? idiot, we are clubbing with Jimin, Tae and the others,.......oh you didn't know did you,ooops!"
"I don't fucking believe it..........,that's it I'm sick of pussyfooting around I'll show him what he's missing out on, I'll go to the club, he won't be able to resist me."

Jungkook was eating his words......turning up at the club later, he saw his friends,drinking and laughing,no sign of Jimin that he could see.
"Hi, looks packed.....,where's Jimin hiding in the toilet, it's not really his scene is it?"
Loud laughter burst out from the boys,Jin grabbing his arm and walking to the dance floor, the others following."what,why you pulling me.....oh my god!"
There on the dance floor was an Angel dancing like a devil. His moves perfectly in time to the beat,hips swaying seductively,ass grinding down, eyes closed, brilliant sultry smile on his face,an audience around him enthralled.
"When he said he could dance he meant it," Jin laughed, looking at his Alpha friend who couldn't take his eyes off the boy.
"What the fucks he wearing ,all these voyeurs here are getting a right eyeful," jungkook growled looking at the skin tight black pants defining Jimins ass and the semi sheer loose shirt not leaving much to the imagination, his wolf howling inside him he stepped towards Jimin as the music changed making the boy open his eyes and quizzically look around, he saw Jungkook and his face went red then seeing the other boys near him he made his way over, ignoring Jungkook and grabbing Tae's hand moved to their table gulping down a drink as he sat down in a seat next to the wall dragging Tae next to him so Jungkook wouldn't sit there, unfortunately for him Jungkook sat directly opposite him ,eyes boring holes in his head.
"Jimin you dance like a pro," Jin said.
" I used to dance.....a long time ago."
"Jimin could have gone professional but.... "He looked at his friend, patting his hand as he knew Jimin had stopped when his parents died.
" But what?" Jungkook said.
"Life happened," Jimin said quietly.
"Hey Jimin remember this , come on," Tae dragged his friend up and soon they were doing an obviously known by them dance to the music currently playing, both boys were something to see, graceful,sexy and very eye catching, if the Alphas watching them were anything to go by.
"Time to join our boy "Suga said to Hobi, both forcing their way on the floor glaring at those who stood in their way,before standing in front and behind Tae ,arms at his waist keeping others at bay.and dancing with him.
" your knights have arrived Tae Tae," Jimin giggled before he felt someone behind him their hands on his waist.
"You forgot to invite me to your party Jimin!" The alphas hot breath on his ear and the intoxicating sandlewood scent, made Jimin slump back towards the Alphas chest both swaying to the music.
"No I didn't forget," Jimin sassily said and the fingers on his waist tightened.
" I don't know why I put up with your behaviour ,"
" well don't then,ignore me completely"
" that would be too a certain part of me,"
" I've heard a cold shower works wonders."
" your too harsh Jimin," a peck came on his ear and Jimin shuddered,
"JUNGKOOKIE!..... a high pitched scream came making Jungkook turn and Jimin stand back, to see Lisa curling herself around Jungkook and kissing his neck.
Jimin huffed which made Jungkook smile , maybe he could make Jimin jealous, holding Lisa he bent and kissed her cheek ," ah Lisa dance with me," the girl nodded eagerly, clinging onto the Alpha they danced seductively, Jungkook eying Jimin over the girls shoulder, Jimin knew what the other was doing so picking his target he sashayed over and started dancing with a tall Beta who gladly danced with him.
"Kookie,I've missed you, why don't you stay with me anymore?" Lisa whined.
" Yer whatever," Jungkook said jealous eyes watching the small Omega.
Lisa looked to where he was watching."JUNGKOOK! What is it with you and that omega, what's so special about him, he's nothing a nobody, look at me, be with me!"
Jungkook stared down at the girl, "that omega is special , he's my mate so you can stop your rubbish right now, I do not want to hear you have caused any trouble for him because it will come back on you tenfold , DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"
The girl looked shocked," y-your mate? No no Kookie I want you ...."
" YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ME,!" Jungkook growled before stalking off towards Jimin.
Jimin saw him coming out of the corner off his eye so thanking the Beta for the dance he shot off back to the table , quickly sitting down as Jin and RM sat with him.
" ah , Jimin, it's been great tonight thank you for inviting us," Jin said RM nodded.
"Yer Jimin , thanks for the invite," a surly voice said.
"I see Lisa is here, " RM said.
" hmmm, she doesn't get the hint," a morose Jungkook said.
" well you have had her hanging around for a while," Jin retorted.
" it must be so hard being so popular," Jimin said sarcastically.
"Are you Jealous Jimin?" Jungkook said smirking.
" Nope just glad I made the right choice," he smirked back.
Jungkook hands curled into fists," that's it !"he grunted.
Picking Jimin up he growled , "we are leaving," he slung Jimin over his shoulder, smacking his ass as the small boy wiggled and squirmed, shouting to be let down, as he was carried out of the club , Jungkook didn't put him down ,Instead Jungkook marched along easily as though Jimin weighed nothing until they reached the road of Jimins shop.
" put me down you overgrown Dog!!!!"
Jungkook slid the small boy down his body, " your a tease Jimin and I'm not putting up with it."
"Good that means you'll leave me alone!"
" oh no jimin, I'll have you begging for me to take you."
" in your fucking dreams," the angry omega said.
" such a dirty mouth, what shall I do with it?"
" go fuck yourself","
"I'd rather fuck you,"
Jimin couldn't help himself he got so angry he lifted his knee hard in Jungkooks area, catching the alpha unawares making him double over in pain.
Jimin stared shocked, before running smartly up the stairs into his apartment, licking it securely.
Jungkook yelled, sinking to the floor before starting to laugh to himself , his little omega was a little fighter and for some reason this was a great turn on.
Things were hotting up he thought.

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