0.1 Kronos Ate The Kids - Chapter Three

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Athena read the title, "Kronos Ate The Kids ... yummy (?)"

"Yes, you wouldn't want to confuse those two!" Connor jokes causing him to gain some strange looks.

Allie's POV
Sixteen Years Later

"Sixteen?" Percy asked. "Maybe the prophecy states a different age, seeing as it is a different universe."

"That's a good point."

In the absence of the sun,

"What happened to my wonderful chariot?!" Apollo cried out, dramatically falling onto Artemis' lap, who shoved him off without a moment's hesitation.

The day could've been observed as night as dark storm clouds gathered overhead.

The Greeks stared at Zeus, wondering what got him so pissy. They then remembered what had happened when Percy first came to camp and realised why he was so pissed.

I was glad I'd checked the weather before getting on my motorcycle -

"Other you has a motorcycle!"

"That's so cool!"

Percy looked on in awe because he wanted a motorcycle of his own.

I would barely miss getting caught in the storm.

"I hope she doesn't get hurt."

Normally, in New York City, you only drove yourself places if you were one of two things: rich or stupid

"Very true."

(although lets be honest, it's astounding how often those two things coincide).

"Also very true." Rachel laughed.

The traffic of Manhattan is unbearable, but if you're that much of a show off, and you really want people looking at your car, you drive. However, I fall under the "rich" category,

"Really? How?" Percy asked since he definitely wasn't considered rich in any way.

I wasn't driving because I wanted people to see the Harley my mom had gotten me for my 16th birthday the August before.

'So it was mom who bought the bike.' Percy thought.

Being entirely honest, I just needed a break, and sometimes yelling at people how awful their driving is can be very therapeutic.

"Yes it can be."

"How would you know? You drive the sun!"

"I can still see the terrible drivers below me!"

But the clouds unsettled me in a way that I couldn't explain.

"If this was when Zeus and Poseidon were fighting then she could probably feel the turmoil that the ocean was in." Malcom commented.

"Most likely. Now that I think about it, the weeks before I went to camp when the weather was bad, I was very moody and irritable." Percy mentioned.

A way that had me shuffling on my Harley and shifting my weight much more than my ADHD would normally have made me do. The weather had been off since December, so I was almost used to it at that point, but it was like a sandbag had burst open in the pit of my stomach,

"That does sound like a weird feeling." Hermes said.

"But for some reason, accurate." Percy replied.

letting all of the particles of sand spill out, every time I looked up at the sky. Still, there was no use complaining about the weather.

"True, not many people can actually change the weather."

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