0.2 Fruit Ladies Of Death - Chapter Four

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Hermes began, "Some Old Ladies Who Knit Socks Predict My Death

Poseidon was gripping his trident with both hands, the metal groaning as his thoughts raced with every possibility.

Throughout the last few weeks of school, I hardly even thought of Mrs. Dodds.

"That's good." Silena whispered to her boyfriend.

I was busy worrying about my final few assignments and a photoshoot for Vogue, so I was kept on my toes. She visited me in my sleep every night,

The demigods shivered, all remembering their first monster.

but I didn't have much time during my last days to think about her a lot, so I shoved it to the back of my mind, throwing myself into projects to keep myself distracted.
I might've been able to forget about it. The only problem was Grover.

"Hey! I am not a problem!" Grover protested.

"Of course you aren't G-man."

He kept giving me worried looks and seemed to be on edge every time he was around me. Every time I'd ask him what was wrong, he'd tell me nothing and that he was fine.


I would've believed him, too. The only problem with that is: Grover's an awful liar and couldn't fool me even if his life depended on it.

"Grover, I am sorry but you are a terrible liar."

"I . . Yeah I am." Grover admitted.

"We can give you lessons!" Travis, Connor and Chris supplied, Grover happily agreeing.

Mrs. Kerr, who had supposedly been our calc teacher since Christmas, was a perky blonde woman and I had never seen her in my entire life, but she was a good teacher, so I went with it.

"Better than what I did, which caused me to seem like an absolute psycho." Percy said.

The shitty weather continued; there were very few days it didn't rain. A thunderstorm ended up blowing out the windows of a few of my friends' dorms. Vivian, my senior roommate and one of the few non-fake people in this school, and I had gotten lucky. She was bubbly and on the cheer team with me, and I'd known her a few years before we would separate on graduation day. She had a boyfriend, Michah Newsome if I remembered correctly, who was already in college at LSU and she'd be joining him there, after the school year ended.

Aphrodite looked a bit more interested after love was mentioned.

A few days after the thunderstorm, the biggest tornado ever spotted in the Hudson Valley touched down only fifty miles from Yancy. Once we'd finished all of the units needed, our social studies teacher made us study the irregular amount of small planes that'd taken a dive into the Atlantic in the past few months.

People looked pointed at Zeus and Poseidon, who were not looking anyone in the eye.

My own issues weren't getting any better— I felt more irritable than I'd ever been and even the tiniest of inconveniences had me snapping at the nearest person.

"It's probably because she is my child so her moods can sometimes depend on what the ocean is like." Poseidon commented.

Danny had gotten particularly aggravated with me and after one of our worse arguments, had me storming off of the set of The Avengers and almost too pissed off to go to Columbia Cheer tryouts the next day.

"Damn she is in Marvel!? I love RDJ's character, I feel like we would get along great." Leo happily spoke  up.

"Suddenly I am so glad that Tony Stark is only a character and not someone Leo can actually meet." Piper whispered to Jason, who nodded.

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