Chapter 8

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Looking down at Leah as she sleeps soundly, I can’t help but wonder if she feels this too. This… attraction. I never thought I would feel anything again after I lost Julie. And here life went ahead and dropped this little human into my lap, and I couldn’t be more grateful. She has grown already as a person since she’s been here. I’ve seen a spark reignite in her, a joy for life she was missing when I first found her. I’m proud that my pack could do that for her. Give her the space to grow while still letting her feel welcome and included.

I watch her sleep for awhile in the dark, observing her features, the quiet rise and fall of her chest as she breathes, the cute little twitches of her fingers as she dreams. I’d love to sleep like that again, but no sleep is ever quite as good when it’s not next to your mate. Maybe Jon was right, maybe I could have that again with the little firecracker in my arms.

I wake the next morning to light streaming in the window and movement against my chest. My eyes flit open slowly and I blink a few times to adjust to harsh light. I look down and realize I fell asleep in Leah’s bed.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep in here.” I say with a little yawn and she sits up, running a hand through her sleep mussed hair. The light shining in from behind her makes her look like an angel, shining off her silky hair. She gives me a shy smile and shrugs.

“It’s fine. I was the jerk that woke you up and forced you to keep the monsters away.” She says cheekily and I grin.

“Well, when the monsters are real it’s understandable.” I say unable to take my eyes off of her. She looks so beautiful with her pink cheeks and warm smile.

“So, when do we leave, Alpha?” She asks with a playful tint on my title that lets me know she doesn’t take it seriously. I chuckle at her insolence, the kind only she and my sister could get away with.

“After breakfast, little one. Eat up and go to the bathroom before we leave. I hate making stops.” I say with an air of annoyance and she giggles at my pet peeve.

“Ok. No rest stops. But me asking ‘are we there yet?’ every five minutes is fair game?” She challenges with a cocked brow and I growl playfully at her.

“Don’t make me regret taking you or I won’t give you your surprise.” I taunt and she gives me a little growl back making me laugh heartily. She smiles warmly at me before narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

“What’s the surprise?” She asks and I shake my head.

“Oh no. You must behave first.” I say and she huffs at me.

“I’m not a child.” She quips.

“Oh? I’m sorry I thought children were the only ones that asked that insipid question every five minutes.” I point out and she rolls her eyes.

“Fine. I’ll behave and try not to get on the big bad wolf’s nerves.” She says and I smile at her, running the back of my hand down her cheek. She stiffens a little at the contact and I see her pupils dilate. I pull away, not exactly sure what pushed me to do that in the first place.

“Good. Well get ready and I’ll come get you for breakfast.” I say climbing out of her bed and exiting her room, shutting the door behind me. I take a few deep breaths when I get into my room, grateful to not be bombarded by her scent. It’s delicious, even by wolf standards. It must have something to do with the fact that she was mated to a powerful wolf. A human’s scent doesn’t normally appeal to us, but when they are a mate everything is made to attract their other half. Especially their smell and Leah is no exception.

I shower and dress quickly and go to her room, knocking on the door. I hear a faint ‘Come in’ and open the door, not expecting what greets me. Leah in a bra and underwear, pulling her shirt over her head. My eyes go wide before she yells at me.

“Alex!” She cries and I turn my back to her, walking out and closing the door almost shut behind me, leaving it open a smidge so I can explain myself.

“You said come in!” I exclaim and she growls at me again and it’s fucking adorable, but I don’t think that’s what she was going for, so I keep that to myself.

“I said DON’T come in!” She yells and I scoff.

“Leah. I’m a werewolf with enhanced abilities, including hearing. If you had said don’t come in, I would have heard it.” I point out and she groans in annoyance before pushing me out of the way, joining me in the hallway and closing the door behind her.

“Whatever. Just don’t tell Jon about this. He’ll have a field day.” She grumbles the last part and I look at her confused.

“What do you mean?” I ask and a blush tints her face as she refuses to make eye contact with me.

“Nothing. Just pretend nothing happened.” She says obviously embarrassed and it’s such a change from her normal cocky persona I have to take advantage.

“I actually quite liked the view. I’m not sure I want to forget it. I didn’t take you as a woman who enjoys purple lacey bras though.” I say with a smile and she glares at me.

“Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you go shopping with Penny.” She says annoyed and I can’t help but laugh. I recollect myself and give her an apologetic glance.

“I am sorry that I invaded your privacy, even if it was accidental.” I say honestly. “Can you forgive me?” I ask pouting out my lip like she does whenever she wants something. She giggles at me and swats my arm playfully, pushing me away from her.

“Yes. I can forgive you.” She says and I beam at her.

We eat our breakfast quickly and are about to get on the road for our trip when I realize I forgot something.

“We should do the pack bonding before we go. If something happens, I won’t have as many rights to protect you if you’re not my pack member.” I explain and her eyes go wide with concern.

“Do you think something will happen?” She asks and I shake my head.

“No. But I prefer to be prepared.” I say and she nods her head.

“Um… What do I do?” She asks and I grab a knife out of the kitchen drawer.

She eyes it wearily before I split my palm. I reach for her hand and she gives it to me. I cut a very small slit, since she’s human and won’t heal as quickly. When I see a small amount of blood pool in her hand, I hold out mine for her to take. The other people in the kitchen watch us curiously as she places her palm in mine. I feel another tether reach out to me and link with her. She visibly shudders and closes her eyes as she feels the link click into place. After a few moments, I pull my hand from hers and take her to the sink to wash her hands. My wound heals and she only has a small nick on her palm.

“Did you feel the connection?” I ask her and she nods.

“Yeah. It was crazy. I almost feel… complete now. Like the hole Silas left isn’t quite as big.” She explains and pride wells in me. This little human needed a pack. Somewhere to belong. And I’m incredibly grateful we could be that for her.

The other people in the kitchen quickly surround her, hugging her and welcoming her to the pack. They all would have felt the connection being made, and I feel a surge of joy from our pack bond within me. They are all excited to have her as a part of us. I smile at her as her eyes catch mine. She seems buzzed on joy and excitement, and she has never looked more beautiful.

“Come on, little one. We have to get our errands done. We’ll plan a little party to welcome you to the pack when we get back.” I say, holding my arm out for her to join me. She runs to me and wraps her arms around my torso in a tight hug, surprising me. I hug her back gently, careful not to hurt her. The others watch us with warm affection. When I pull away, she has happy tears welling in her eyes.

“Thank you, Alex. Thank you for giving me a family.”

Well, what can you say to that?

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