Chapter 16

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Alex doted on me as much as he could for the next few days. He practically begged me to let him feed me, which I thought was weird but Jon said it's a 'mate thing' so I let him do it. He is adorably clueless about humans and has asked a million questions about how humans mate. I can't help but laugh when he refers to it like that. The whole idea of dating, learning about someone, falling in love and choosing to be with them is like rocket science to my wolf.

"So what is a wedding then?" He asks another question as he gives me another spoonful of soup. I rolled my eyes when he brought another bowl. The kitchen is switching up the kinds and they are all delicious, but I can eat solid foods.

I'm not a baby, even though I'm about as fragile as one in their eyes.

"A wedding is when two people legally and spiritually join themselves together. Think of a wedding ring like a mark." I explain and he thinks on that for a moment.

"But a ring can be removed. A mark can't." He responds and I nod.

"A marriage can also legally be broken." I tell him and he gasps.

"Well, why do it at all in the first place?" He asks incredulously and I chuckle at how offended he seems.

"Humans aren't like wolves. We're not given a soulmate. We have to guess. Humans change as they grow, and not all humans stay in love for their whole lives." I explain and he looks at me curiously.

"Do you think you could be with me forever?" He asks quietly and I smile at him.

"Hmmm... I don't know. That's quite the sacrifice I'd be making." I tease and he grunts in response.

"We could do the wedding thing. If you wanted... It sounds fun." He says and I shake my head while smiling.

"Slow down you impatient wolf. You're skipping over the best part." I tell him.

"And what part is that?" He asks amused.

"Falling in love."  I say with a shy smile. He smiles in response and leans down to kiss my cheek. Warmth spreads through me at the affection and I know my face heats up in a blush. I take the soup bowl from him and place it next to me on the table.

"Alex..." I say, sitting up on the bed and throwing one leg over his lap so I can straddle him. His eyes go wide at the movement and he lifts his hands before setting them back down, like he's not sure what to do with them.

"Yes?" He asks, his voice hoarse and nervous.

"Would you like to kiss me?" I ask curiously, threading my arms around his neck. He looks in my eyes and nods enthusiastically making me giggle. I reach down to grip his hands, and put them around my waist. I feel his fingertips dig in to my sides and pull me a little closer to him.

I lean forward until my lips are only inches from his ear. "Then do it." I whisper. A low growl leaves his chest and the sound makes goosebumps erupt over my entire body.

His hand snakes up to thread in my hair and he gently pulls me back until he's looking in my eyes. I lick my lips and he trails the motion, groaning a little until he leans forward.

The first touch of his lips to mine is tentative and nervous. He skates his mouth over mine and I inhale a sharp breath at the pop and sizzle of pleasure that mounts within me. He presses his lips firmly to mine and I kiss him back, parting his lips with my tongue. He growls again as I taste him, learn him, how he feels, what he likes. I press myself further against him until our chests are flush. He holds me gently, but securely as we continue to explore each other. I move my hands so I can run my fingers through his hair, pulling on it a little earning me another sensual moan from Alex. I feel my core begin to drip with excitement as every nerve in my body feels alight with a passion I've never experienced before.

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