Chapter 31

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I woke up to the feel of sparks snaking across my skin, naked in Alex's arms. We had made good use of the privacy of the cabin. Multiple times. But Alex seemed excited to get back and it made me a little sad, thinking he was tired of me already.

"What's wrong, little one?" He asks when he comes back inside from carrying our bags to the car. He's always so observant.

It's annoying sometimes.

"You seem so excited to leave. Are you bored with me?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Of course not, Leah. I just want to show you your surprise. I'll never be tired of you." He says with a sweet smile. He holds his arm out and I tuck myself into his side, eyeing the bright red mark I left on his neck. A surge of pride goes through me as I inspect it.

"You seem pretty pleased with yourself." He says with a little smirk.

"How did you know that?" I ask.

"Now that we're marked, I can feel your emotions." He says with a large grin. I gasp and pull away from him.

"That's not fair! Can I feel yours?" I ask and he shrugs.

"You should be able to. Focus on me, the vibes I'm giving off." He says and I do as he instructs, closing my eyes and feeling around for him. After a few moments I begin to feel him. I sense his happiness, his pride and his lust.

"You insatiable wolf." I murmur and hear him bark out a laugh.

"I can't help it, little one. You're delicious." He says with a little growl making me shiver as he wraps his arms around me.

"Well, I suppose we should get back to the packhouse. Let everyone know I'm still alive." I say sadly, not wanting to leave our little newly mated bubble. He hums in agreement and scoops me into his arms, carrying me to the car.

I can't help but notice the temperature when we go outside. It's cold, but more like a crisp fall day, not the biting sting of a freezing cold morning.

"Wow. This is crazy." I murmur. Alex chuckles as I continue to marvel at the feeling of the air against my skin.

He holds my hand on the drive back and we sit in comfortable silence. I'm excited for my surprise, but being next to Alex is really all I need. I'll go anywhere, as long as it's with him. He pulls up in front of a house I've never seen and stops. I look over at him curiously, but he just eyes me nervously.

"What are we doing here, baby?" I ask, reaching out to run my fingers through the stubble on his cheek. He leans into my touch, closing his eyes to savor the feeling.

"Alex?" I ask with a little smile, pulling him out of his stupor.

"Oh, sorry." He says, a little blush spreading over his face making him even more adorable. "We're here because this is our house." He says excitedly, slipping out of the car and jogging to my side to help me out. My jaw is still gaping by the time he opens my door. He chuckles when he sees me and unbuckles my seatbelt, pulling me out and keeping me in his arms. He carries me over the threshold and sets me down before pulling me into a fierce kiss. I return it with fervor, letting the sparks settle into my bones, calming me.

"This is our house?" I ask and he nods with a smile.

"We're mated now." He says, shrugging and I remember what he told me when I first arrived.

"Houses are for couples raising children..." I say suspiciously and he chuckles.

"We don't need to have kids. I'm the Alpha. I do what I want." He says with chagrin making me giggle.

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