The long awaited

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Third person's POV-
It was finally the day of the date, and both Danny and Y/n are incredibly nervous. Danny had spent hours figuring out the perfect date, and even asked Hannah for advice. It turns out that Y/n had always talked about their dream date. Danny was going to make that dream come true. Everything was planned to the very last detail in hopes that it goes a smooth as possible, Danny told himself that he was going to make this a night that Y/n would never forget.

It's an hour until the date is due to start and Y/n is trying to form an outfit based on the loose hints Danny have her, "fancy". She searches their clothes and realises that the only options she has are the blue dress and a yellow Sun dress. After some consideration, and a quick check of the weather, she goes with the option of the blue dress, they just hope Danny will like it, plus she knows she looks good in it.

Danny, however, had already picked his outfit out and was making sure that no adjustments would be need to be made. He had taken almost his whole day preparing for the date, minus the time spent making TikToks. The date was to go as following; they would start by going to the movies, overly dressed, and getting the largest amount of popcorn possible with massive sodas, there would be a re-run of (favourite movie), to which they would enjoy together, then once the movie was complete and they had finished their snacks and drinks, Danny would lead Y/n to the near by park where a picnic would be set up under a willow tree, it would have Capri suns, cheese strings, and chicken soup (a/n:feel free to change these to your liking), some of Y/n's favourite foods/drink, then after the picnic they would go back home where they could cuddle up and watch anime until they fall asleep. All containing aspects of what Y/n had told Hannah to be their dream date.

It was about time for the date to start. Both Danny and Y/n were ready for it to start. Danny knocks on Y/n's door for it to be opened almost immediately.  Danny thought Y/n is stunning, and she thought him to be handsome in his suit.The both of them were filled with anticipation. They greet each other and They take each other's hands, Danny leads Y/n out of the apartment and down to the parking lot where they get into Danny's car. Through the car's speakers play an assortment of the playlist Y/n had made for the two of them before they had even met in person. Y/n was pleasantly surprised to find that Danny actually kept it. Throughout the drive they laugh at each other's jokes and basque in the company of the other.

As they arrive at the first destination, Danny opens Y/n's car door for her, yet again taking her hand. Upon both of their faces lie the softest of smile, just from enjoy the presence of one another. They enter the cinema and go straight to the desk, where they collect their tickets, food and drink. While sitting and watching the movie Danny lays his arm across Y/n's should, in return they relax into his embrace. As the credits begin to roll Danny looks over to Y/n, and she to him. He raises his thumb to her jaw and gently grasps their chin in his hand, he the pulls her close and they both lean in. In that second, their lips lock and the two share their first kiss, it's soft yet passionate, making them feel like they are in a world of their own. Y/n's stomach erupts with butterflies, a welcomed feeling in this moment.

As they separate they come to see that they were they only two left at the screen room, as they look around, smile on their faces, they share a laugh realisation that had gotten caught up and would have to leave the cinema now. They collect their things and exit the screen room, depositing their rubbish into the bin on their way out. Both of them quite giddy from the previous event, make their way to the park, hand in hand, Danny taking the lead once more. They get to the picnic and settle down on the blanket.

"This really is amazing," Y/n proclaims, "it's pretty much my dream date, how did you know?" They ask. Danny answer directly, "Hannah helped me with the idea, I put everything together from that..." Y/n becomes joyous that Danny and Hannah can get along, after they are the guys she likes and her best friend. The two converse some more before have more food and drink. They talk about Hannah, their roommates, the planning that went into the date, anime, and much more.

As the night got darker the pair decided to pack up and head back to Danny's car, so they could go home. They put on the playlist again, singing along to songs during the ride. Y/n, having their hand rested by the middle of their seats, lit up when they felt Danny's hand embrace hers. Their hands stay like that for most of the drive, even when they get back to the apartment they walked up still holding hands, almost as if neither of them could bare to leave the other just yet. As they enter the apartment they go into their own rooms to change into more suitable clothing for sleeping.

Danny joins Y/n back in her room where they pull out her laptop and snuggle up together in her bed. While watching Howl's Moving Castle they discussed what they were going to do tomorrow, they planned to cosplay Kaneki and Rize, as thankfully Y/n was able to get all her item together. The two moved onto their next anime, PONYO, but end up falling asleep in each other's arms, surrounded by warmth and comfort. They both knew this would be a night to remember, one they could never forget.

A/n: Here you go, a new chapter... thank you for 81k reads! I didn't mean to leave you guys waiting so long, but I hope you enjoy this. Hope you have a good day or night <3

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