Of course

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Third person's POV-

The drive to the airport went slow, both parties not wanting to separate from one another. Nevertheless, here they were, sitting side by side, hand in hand, silent, and waiting for the plane to arrive. Y/n rests her head on Danny's shoulder, wanting nothing more but to stay in the moment for as long as possible. Time passes and small conversations ensue; it's as of the two were in there own world, undisturbed by passing strangers. The both of them reminisce the past few weeks spent together, and the memories they'd made that will last a life time.

Danny tilts his head, planting a kiss to Y/n's. Y/n nuzzles further into him engulfing them self in his comforting presence. The two of them sat there for awhile, they watched as other planes left the airport, and listened as more were called out. Their anxiety built as each call was made, neither wanting Y/n's to be called out.

Though they had only know each other for a short amount of time, they had grown attached to one another and cherished the company of the other. They enjoyed the sweet moments they had together, and held warmth in the memories that they'd shared. It's unfortunate that their time together would soon come to an end, at least for the meanwhile.

"Flight 56b, boarding in 10 minutes!" A voice echoed through the airport speakers. It was the last thing Danny and Y/n wanted to hear. It was her flight meaning that in 10 minutes they would have to part, and not be able to see each other for an unknown amount of time. The two turn to look at the other, both with sadness in their eyes, even if Danny was trying to hold it back and seem strong Y/n could tell. She pulls Danny into an embrace. "I'm going to miss you," she says, "I'm going to call you as soon as I get off the plane, okay?" They felt Danny nod into her shoulder.

Danny pulls away from the hug and looks Y/n in their eyes, and in the spur of the moment asks, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Y/n states at him speechless and instead of answering pulls him into a kiss. It felt as if the world around them had stopped and it was just the two of them right then and there. They part and Y/n exclaims "of course, I will."

The pair now had the biggest smiles on their faces, as if minutes ago they weren't drowning in sorrow. Once more the voice echoes throughout the airport, "Flight 56b, boarding in 5 minutes!" After listening to the announcement Y/n stands up readying to leave, Danny stands up with them, holding her carry-ons so she doesn't have to. "I'll walk you to your gate." Danny states, and grabs her hand. They walk down as far as they can go together before they have to part.

Danny hands Y/n their bag, and kisses them again, a much softer one than before. "I'll see you later," says Y/n, "see you soon, love." Danny replies. They let go of each other's hands as Y/n walks away. While looking back they see a soft smile of Danny's face. The emotion that they were both feeling was no longer one of sadness, because they knew they would see each other again, whether that was through FaceTime or in person.

Just as Y/n about to turn the corner she hears some yell something. "I love you, and I'll be expecting that call!" Butterflies fill Y/n's stomach. "I Love you too, I won't forget!" She turns the corner. Gone. Danny doesn't leave immediately, he waits for the final call. "Flight 56b, departing now!" That was it. Danny heads home, phone clutched in hand, to wait for his call.

-The End-

A/n: That's it for now. I may write a sequel of one shots, not to sure yet. I hope you enjoyed the story. Thank you for all the support while writing it, and all the feedback, I really appreciated it. Hope you have a good day or night <3

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