A Dream

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Y/n's POV-

Just as I was falling asleep I hear Danny whisper a soft 'goodnight' and end the call. I go to sleep thinking about him, slowly slipping into a dream.

I'm in the streets of London, roaming around with no set destination and a feeling of utter boredom as the rain pours down. I see a small cafe and decide to go in and by something. I walk up to the register and order a black coffee and a croissant, while I wait I hear another name called out.

"Order for... Danny?" The barista calls out. I look to my left to see Danny standing there drink in his hand. "Danny?" I question. Why would Danny be in London? Why wouldn't he tell me? He turns his head to face me and his eyes widen when he sees me. After a second his eyes relax and he smiles.

"Princess!" My heart flutters at the nickname he had given me, "I wanted to surprise you..." a small bit a disappointment could be heard in his voice. I stare at him unable to comprehend what's happening. Next thing I know, I'm wrapping him in a hug.

"I can't believe you're here!" I exclaim, happy to see him. I feel his arms wrap themselves around me as he accepts the hug. I feel safe with him. Then I hear my name being called.
*End of dream*

"Y/n!" I feel myself being shaken, "Y/n, wake up!" I open my eyes to to Hannah by my side shaking me. I groan and shove her hands off of me. "What?" I ask, longing out the 'a', and stretching. I hear a few of my joints make cracking noises, which receives me a weird look from Hannah.

"Get up," she demands, "you need to help me get (your siblings name) a present!" I sigh. I look at the alarm clock on my bedside table and see that it's only 8am. Groggily, I get up and walk over to my bathroom.

"At least let me shower first." I say as I close the bathroom door behind me and lock it. I double check I have a towel hung up on the radiator and start getting ready for my shower. Stepping into the hot water, I relax, no longer tense from my rude awakening. Now finished with my shower, I wrap myself up with the towels, one for my body and one for my hair.

I unlock the bathroom door, walk back into my bedroom and over to my drawers, grab some clothes and make my way back into the bathroom to change. Finally awake, I go and sit down next to Hannah on my bed, "Listen, I know your dating my (brother/sister/sibling) but doesn't mean you can wake me up so abruptly..." I complain. "Heh, sorry about that but this is really important!" I sigh once more.

"Just give me a second and we can go look for something, you're lucky in don't have to work until 3 today." I state. I look around for my phone and find it under my pillow. The memories from last nights FaceTime call come flooding back to and bring a smile onto my face. I open up my messages to Danny and send him an quick text.
Me: Good Morning, my prince, for whenever you wake up :)

"Oooo, who ya messaging..." Hannah teases. My smile immediately fades. I love Hannah, she's my best friend after all, but I hate waking up earlier than I have to so, now she has to deal with me being grumpy. "Let's just go." I avoid to topic of conversation.

Danny's POV-
~A few hours later~

I wake up to the sun shining through the curtains of my bedroom window and drag myself out of bed. Today, I'm flying out to see my family and spend some time with them. I quickly grab my phone and check to see if I have any important notifications. I see one from Y/n and instantly press it to see what it could be. She sent me a 'good morning' text. I smile as I send a reply.
Me: Good Morning to you too, Princess

I rush around my apartment and start getting ready to go to the airport. Now ready, I zip up my suitcase and backpack then head out the door, not forgetting to close it behind me. While walking down the corridors of the apartment building I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. It's another message from Y/n.
Y/n: What are you up to today, can you call? 😇
Me: I flying out to go see some family, won't be able to respond for a bit 😬
I reply as soon as I read the message.

Y/n: Hope the flights ok, but who's going to get me through work? 🥺
Me: Think of me 😏
I chuckle as I send the message, then see another notification, saying that my Uber has arrived. I reach the elevator and click the button for the bottom floor. As I get off the elevator, I walk straight to the exit and hop into my Uber. Once more, I feel a buzz in my pocket, another message.
Y/n: jdbridbdnfjf don't say things like that :(
I see the message and just send back a smiley face. This flight is going to be along one.

A/n: Hello! I meant to publish this yesterday but fell asleep, oops... Anyway, I hope you like the concept of this one and as always I am open to suggestions and will try and get the next chapter out as fast as possible! Have a good day or night <3

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