I'll see you soon Brooklyn

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The day went by fast, I'm making my way to my car after class. As I walk into the parking lot I see someone leaning against my car.

The person's back is facing me so I assume it's just Zack. "Hey Z aren't you supposed to be at practice?" I ask as I walk up behind him. I take a step back when the person turns around and I see it's not Zack.

"What are you doing here?" I ask crossing my arms. "Good to see you too Brooklyn. How have you been?" Aiden says looking down at me. "Like you care. What do you want Aiden?" I ask.

"I just wanted to say hi to a good friend of mine and catch up with her." He says. "Cut the bullshit. What do you really want?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"I already told you I want to catch up. How about we go to that park you always go too? Or the diner you love to spend your time at. Anywhere you want to go." He says mentioning some of the places I'm always at.

"We're not friends Aiden. And I don't want to be. Josh already told me who you are." I say. "Ah yes and how is your boyfriend?" He asks. "I don't have time for this. Stay away from me." I tell him walking around him and opening my car door.

"Not so fast." He says turning around and closing the door so I won't open it. He steps forward blocking the door. "I'm not done talking to you." He says.

"Well I'm done talking to you. Please move." I say looking up at him. "Oh Brooklyn apparently you don't know who I am." He says stepping closer to me. I take a step back but he steps closer.

"You have know idea what you've gotten yourself into." Aiden says. "I haven't gotten myself into anything. Whatever your problem with Josh is doesn't involve me. I'm not part of it." I shake my head.

He chuckles lowly, his chuckle comes out deep and almost intimidating. "You don't understand it do you. You're Josh's girlfriend you live with him. He cares about you and that automatically puts you in the middle of everything." He says.

"I did my research and he had you well hidden. He's biggest mistake was starting to date you though. You see up until a month ago no one knew you existed. But when you two started dating publicly word got around. Everyone knows about you now. You'll be the first one they target. You're Josh's weakness and in this business people use weaknesses to their advantage." Aiden says.

I swallow hard trying not to show that he's intimidating me. "Brooklyn I'm not the only one you have to worry about. There's other people out there that are after Josh. Anyone that Josh has pissed off knows about you and if I were you I would be more careful." He finishes.

"Is that a threat?" I raise an eyebrow slightly. "Take it as you want." He says. "Brooklyn!" I hear Chase call out. I turn my head to look at him and see him walking over.

"I'll see you soon Brooklyn." Aiden says and walks away before Chase walks over to me. "Are you okay?" Chase asks as he walks up to me. "I'm fine Chase." I tell him.

"Who was that?" He asks. "Don't worry about it I have to go." I tell him. I put my stuff in the back seat of my car then get in and drive off. As I'm driving I get a message from Bryce asking if I could pick up some coffee from the grocery store.

I drive over to the grocery store near the house and get down. I walk into the grocery store making my way through the aisles to get to the coffee aisle.  I stop by the snacks aisle and grab a few things.

I see a guy standing next to me in the snack aisle but I don't pay much attention to him since he's grabbing chips.  I walk out of that aisle and start heading to the coffee aisle.

When I get to the section the coffee is in I notice the guy is a few feet away from me again. I look at the guy as I grab the coffee but I notice I don't know who he is.

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