Chapter- 1

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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

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Shivika's POV -

The alarm. The single most important thing in my life right now and even that, on some days decide to ditch me. I was supposed to be in the deposition by this time today but no, my alarm had to ditch me and that's how I am sitting here, outside the conference room and waiting for my managing partner, Rajat sir to call me in.

" Madam, Rajat sir has called you." The peon finally made his way towards me. I had been waiting for more than an hour outside now which had got incredibly frustrating for me. This was no way of spending a Monday working without coffee.

" Thank you. Kaka one coffee in my cubicle please?" I asked him and he nodded, giving me a smile. Ramesh kaka, our peon was the first man I worked under in this firm when I was eighteen and collecting funds to go to law school but that is a story for another time.

" Shivika, I did not expect this level of tardiness from you. But since this is the first time it has happened in four years, I am willing to overlook it. Make sure that you actually be where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be." Rajat sir schooled me as I walked into the conference room.

" I am extremely sorry sir. My alarm did not go off somehow but what happened in the deposition? I saw our client walk down the corridor with a huge smile plastered on her face." I curiously asked him.

He did not say anything, just handed me the written copy of the deposition which I started to read as I took a seat. The first two pages seemed like a usual deposition but the third one spilled it all. The client's sister who was also the respondent had confessed extorting money from her in frustration.

" For the love of god, sir this was extremely good!" I exclaimed, jumping out of my chair. We had almost won the case and it was paying us good.

" You are taking this to court tomorrow morning." He asked me but I looked at him in confusion.

" To court? But sir, going to trial makes no sense. We could reach a heavy settlement while going to court will not only tarnish Jessica's reputation but will also put her CEO position in jeopardy when the board of directors claim that she is not competent enough to hold the position. I mean if I were on the board, I would definitely twist this situation claiming that she was made a fool by her own sister to claim that CEO's position." I honestly told him my views.

That is the kind of relationship sir and I shared. He was my mentor in every true sense and I could discuss anything with him without ever thinking about what he will thing about me.

" Then I taught you well. You know what to do. Go and get started on the settlement draft. We get over with this by today afternoon because in the evening, we have to deal with an extremely high profile client and this time and you might be dealing with your very first eight figure case." Sir stood up, handed me the draft and walked out.

"High profile case? Sir has never talked about anyone before like way. Who is it, the queen of England?" I muttered sarcastically as I walked to my office. Yes, second year associates have their own offices in the firm who particularly performed well. Proudly, I was one of them.

I was pretty engrossed with drafting the settlement offer when I heard a knock. Looking up, I found out Arpita, a second year associate and one of my friends standing.

" Since when you not barge in here like you own the place?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow as I stopped typing and she made her way to the couch.

" I won in court today! Destroyed the prosecution and how. You remember Hemant Pant?" She asked, trying to but completely failing in controlling her excitement.

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