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Shivika's POV -

The flight to Rome was insanely comfortable. Don't take me wrong, I am still very much against the whole concept of extreme capitalism, but it still has it's perks and I couldn't deny it any longer and the moment we reached the hotel, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the first time that I was seeing something as lavish as this and my mind was totally blown.

" Devansh I thought we were here on our honeymoon, not some luxury trip!" I exclaimed as my eyes wandered from Devansh to our suite, back and forth after I freshened up.

" If you still think that you deserve nothing but the best Love, maybe I have not done things well. Maybe you need to be spoilt more than this." He said, scooping me in his arms in bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders for support and couldn't stop the blush from making its way on my cheeks.

" My favourite red." He whispered and placed me on the bed, covering me with a duvet.

" Sleep Shivika. You can barely keep your eyes open." He said, covering me with the duvet and planted a kiss on my forehead.

" But we should go out." I tried to resist because it was still afternoon here and we could go for some sightseeing!

" We have a lot of time for that. We cannot afford for you to fall sick now, can we?" He sat next to me as I played with his hand.

" Promise?" I asked him.

" Promise, love." He laughed a bit before I could feel my eyes dropping and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

And true to his word, Devansh took me everywhere in Italy. Over the next ten days, we explored Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan, Naples and Lake Como and since it was Italy, I couldn't believe how much had I shopped. Not just for me, for everyone!

We did kinda have an argument on the money part though.

" I can pay for my purchases Devansh! You don't have to do it every time I decided to enter a store and pick something up!" I had told him when we got back to the hotel.

" I am entitled to take care of your wants Shivika. You cannot stop me to spoil you anymore. With our wedding, you have handed over that right to me exclusively, no terms and conditions involved." All he did was shrug his shoulders before placing the shopping bags on the chair.

" That is not fair! You don't let me shop for you but all you do is get things for me!" I whined.

" I already have everything I need." He replied, pulling me closer to him and once he does that, I forget everything that there is to fight!

" Not fair." I could barely say before he shuts me up by placing his lips on mine and we lose ourselves to each other, yet again.

Returning back to India and falling into a normal routine was just as fascinating with my husband. We would work on the same floor where he had an office made for me. Ramesh Kaka would help me with paperwork and make me his world class coffee on the weekdays. Imran and Aniket were also staying five minutes away from the Palace and we would meet every alternate day. Then on Weekends, Mom, Misha and I would team up against Papa and Devansh as we played a bit of badminton and then spent time together. We celebrated our birthdays together along with all the festivals and the best of everything was Misha's Birthday. We all love to spoil her and she loves to be spoilt. All in all, I was having the best time of my life and just like that, we were nearing our first wedding anniversary.

" Shivika, bhai is calling you." Misha announced as she made her way to where I was having coffee with Mom and Dad. Devansh was on some work call and Misha had gone to call him.

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