Chapter 28

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Oh, the Princess's interest was all too obvious from the way she stood staring off into the horizon. Leyla watched the girl that had tried to have her declared a traitor, and surprisingly, couldn't dredge up any anger. Was it that too much time had passed?

Ever the diplomat, Michael pretended not to notice the Princess's inattention and raised his fingers to his forehead. "We are honoured, Princess Mira."

Surprised at his use of Warrior tongue, the Princess finally deigned to look at them directly. Leyla almost laughed at the change in her demeanor when her eyes landed on Michael. She had seen this type of reaction hundreds of times in Asch; jet black hair, baby blue eyes and cheeky smile, made for a combination that most women found irresistible.

"The honour is mine," the Princess smiled prettily. "I'm afraid I was not informed of your name..."

"I am Michael," Michael said, turning to Leyla, "This is my sister, Lady Alessa and her companion, Lady Delphine."

Lady Delphine's eyes widened at his use of sister, but Leyla put a restraining hand on the younger girls arm, shooting her a look of warning. Michael had strayed from the plan; they had never agreed to act as siblings, but it was too late to change that now.

Recovering her composure, Delphine raised her fingertips to her forehead and spoke in flawless Warrior tongue: "It is an honour to make your acquaintance, your Highness."

Leyla had no idea until that moment that the girl could speak Warrior, although she should have guessed. Like all Warrior Officers, the High Thinkers were likely all trained in the five languages of Gaia. Pushing aside years of Warrior training, Leyla raised her fingers to her forehead, making quick work of her greeting to the Princess. "It's an honour to make your acquaintance, your Highness."

"Indeed," The Princess said vaguely. Their eyes met for a moment, then parted. There was no hint of recognition.

Had Leyla really changed so much? Yes, her hair was much longer, and her features had no doubt matured, but she was still the same person. Was it the scar that made the difference, or just the sheer impossibility of the 16-year-old orphan turning up as a 22-year-old lady?

Mira's focus was back on Michael. "Unfortunately, we don't know much about the Land of Light, but my steward tells me that you are a royal?"

"We don't use the same structure as the Warrior Kingdom," Michael explained, "but if expressed in your terms, then yes I suppose I am."

"Ah," Princess Mira nodded, "And your title?"

"You are in the presence of Prince Michael of the Land of Light," Delphine bristled. She obviously did not like the spoilt Princess's lack lustre attitude towards the Curator.

"Prince? So we are equals!" Mira lifted a hand to check her hair, then frowned in confusion. "But your sister, she is just a lady?"

"As I said, we do not use the same structure as the Warrior Kingdom," Michael repeated. Then he cast a cheeky look in Leyla's direction, "Don't get hung up on titles, Princess. My sister has the highest rank among us."

Leyla returned Michael's look with one that promised retribution; what on Gaia was his intention with that silly comment?

"I see." Satisfied that she was not wasting time on people beneath her social class, the Princess gestured behind her. "Then I will show you around the keep and you can tell me more"

"Ah, certainly," Michael blinked, reaching his arm towards Leyla.

She gave him a tight-lipped smile and stepped closer to Delphine. "Please, brother. You should walk beside the Warrior Princess and have a nice talk."

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