Chapter 50

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From the moment she stepped foot into Happy Time, Leyla knew things were not going to go smoothly. It looked like the entire town had crammed into the big hall, every table in the sunken seating area was full and the crowd of standing spectators made it nearly impossible to get from the main doors to the stage. Her guards let two waitresses carrying drinks and food pass, blowing them kisses before they moved her on.

This was no theft trial, it was tavern entertainment; a crude show. Whispers and pointing fingers followed her all the way up the stage and to the single chair that had been placed in the center of it. Having delivered her to her seat, her four guards turned to leave, then hesitated.

Leyla almost smiled. Were they worried she would kill her way through the gathering and escape? As much as she didn't mind watching them squirm, she didn't need them to stick around, making her look dangerous. "If I was going to run, I would have done so last night."

The guard who had replaced the one she knocked out, wiped a fisted hand under his nose, then nodded for the others to follow him down the steps. Drama. Leyla supposed she was meant to be intimidated by his flexed arm of muscles. Laughable. Were Greenlanders all fans of the theatre?

A quick scan of her audience showed no sign of Alec or Finn. Instead, there were hundreds of unfamiliar eyes; some condemning, some full of pity, but most full of excitement. A chair placed straight across the stage drew her gaze as it was the only empty seat in the house. With its high back and carved arms, it was far fancier than the flimsy seats and tables strewn across the establishment. Was it the King's seat?

Leyla had heard the rumour spreading on their way over that the King was going to oversee the trial, but found it difficult to believe. After all, what monarch had time to listen to a small theft case?She looked for Alec and Finn again, wishing they would appear already. Could it be that they had not found the real thief? No. Alec would not let her down.

A sudden spike in volume was followed by a rush of movement as the audience parted to make way for a line of Green Guards. The King is really here! Leyla realised incredulous. She watched as a short man with sharp features, bald head and a very large gut moved between the soldiers. His beady eyes flickered this way and that as his guards flanked him and his entourage of women all the way to his chair.

"Long live the King!"

"Praise the King!"

The crowd called out compliments and the tavern owner rushed forward with a goblet as the King kicked aside his golden robes to take his seat. A small table was pushed in front of him and his women scampered to sit by his feet as he took a long drink, then slammed the cup on the table. The silence that followed was complete.

No one moved, as the King's gaze found Leyla on the stage in front of him. "So. You are the thief I have heard so much about?" There was a cruel tinge to his high-pitched voice.

So this was how it was going to be? He had already found her guilty.

"I am no thief, your Highness."

He let forth a bark of laughter. "Then who in the name of Fanse, are you?"

Who was she? Did she tell him she was an orphan from unknown origin who became a Lieutenant of the Warrior army before living in a different dimension and assuming the identity of a Lady of the Land of Light? She thought not.

"I am Alessa of the Land of Light."

"Land of Light!" The audience erupted in excitement.

The King arched a brow. "We don't receive many visits from the light people. But from what I know, they dress only in white."

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