Chapter 52

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"You appear to attract trouble." Raphael closed the door behind them as he walked into Leyla's rented accommodation. The sounds of revelry continued from below and would likely continue well into the night since the Green King had declared he would pay for everyone's enjoyment in honour of the royal guests.

"It does seem like it recently," she agreed, still not quite able to believe he was here. Raphael, the arrogant Prorex, had not only appeared in Happy Time, he had insisted on staying in the tavern despite the Green King offering him rooms in his palace. "Why are you here?"

Raphael raised a royal brow, then moved to the window that looked out over the stage below. "Your direct manner is growing on me." After watching the merry makers for another moment, he turned to her with a smile. It was the second time she had seen him smile that way- a twist of lips that added a wicked charm to an already much-too-handsome face. It was annoying.

"I rather that nothing about me grew on you. Did your father send you?"

His laughter was genuine, making her feel like a prude. Why was she being so curt when he hadn't done anything wrong? Well, other than to announce to half the population of the Greenlands that they were engaged, when he should have ended that business already...

"The Leader didn't send me, although I'm sure he would have, had he heard you were being held prisoner for petty theft." He took the wide seat beside the bed and looked around the room as if he had never seen anything more interesting. "I understand that they like red around here, but aren't those bedsheets a little over the top?"

Leyla had thought the same, but that was neither here nor there. "How did you find out about the theft charge?" Even as she asked the question, she remembered the Light Guards they had left at the outpost. They said they would wait for her there, but had they been watching from afar? And yet, even if they had, how did the information reach the Land of Light so fast? She groaned as another thought occurred to her, "Does Michael know?"

Raphael tapped his fingers together, his attention back on her. "He had the most ridiculous reaction to the news. I had to threaten to lock him up before he gave up the idea of coming to save you."

Leyla blinked, suddenly realising why he was there. "Wait. You came to save me?"

Raphael's golden gaze was indecipherable, then he tipped his head to the side and frowned. "Are you intelligent or stupid? Why can't I figure you out?"

What in Diya was he on about? She was the one who couldn't understand him! "You came because you thought I was in trouble?" Suddenly remembering the priceless gift he had sent to get her released from the Healers clutches, her face coloured. He was right, she was being an idiot. What was wrong with her? "I've caused you trouble and acted ungratefully. I apologise, Prorex, I owe you -"

"Then repay me," Raphael cut her off as he swung out of his seat.

"Repay you?" She watched him take two steps towards her and had to fight the urge to step back. Why were her senses warning her of danger?

"Yes!" Raphael shrugged, moving closer. "I came all the way here to save you, and you feel bad for inconveniencing me. I'll give you a chance to repay me."

"Now?" His highhandedness truly had no limits! "You know very well that I have no money."

Only a step away from her, he came to a sudden stop, raised his brows, then laughed. "Michael was right, you really don't understand men."

That again? "If he doesn't stop saying that, I'm going to have to sew his mouth shut."

Raphael moved back to the window. "Michael's Asch notebooks made for a fascinating read. Did you learn those acrobatics there?"

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