Sister's Engagement 💍

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Hello my baby buddies..... A very welcome to all of you...

Friends.... Today I ve a bad news and a good news.... 😔😊

Bad news is that ....yours favorite story THE ENCHANTER is gonna end soon.


Good news is that...right now I'm working on an another  new love story which will be published after the end of THE ENCHANTER.

It's my hope that all of you will love that story same like you've loved THE ENCHANTER...... Thank you

Now enjoy your story....

Happy Reading😊

When Additya asked her about that day Kajal became totally embarassed and thought, "Now what am I gonna say him.... Uff God you're so mean"

"Did you threatened her... Hmm".... Additya asked her again.

" N... No... W..why would I threaten her... Sh... She left the party by herself only... Ha"... Kajal said stammering

Additya kept his plate and gave her a stern look.

Kajal sighed heavily and said, "fine... I'm saying don't give me that look and don't even think that yours this look can intimidate me it's just that you look very.... very hot "

Additya smirked at her and said, "Really..... Well we'll discuss about my hotness later..... Now come to the point now......say.

Kajal closed her eyes and said, " Woh.... Woh actually on that day she asked me that what you've saw in me and married me.... Maybe you married me but you're not gonna touch me..

I started to burn in anger ,i wanna smash her makeup loaded face there only but I thought to make her burn in jealousy and thus...... I.... I.. Showed her that hickey you gave me on that day. ... And I. Also said her that.... I... We... had a very wild first night.... And she got extremely jealous and left the party.... And it gave me the menthol touch here".... Kajal said by pointing at her heart.

Additya 's mouth was agape open. He shook his head and pinch her cheeks, "you're so cute.... You know.... Said Additya.

" So what else should I have done then.... She is talking about snatching my prince Charming from me.... And I'll sit quite ....never.... Kajal said proudly.

Additya 's chest swelled by her love and he pulled the back of her neck and kissed her hard for which she also cupped his face and kissed him back.

Kajal left the office after lunch and their cozy romance.

After a week

Additya entered house after a tiring day but didn't find dadi. Before he could ask someone he felt a delicious smell coming from kitchen and a soft humming of song is also echoed in the living room snd kitchen.

He throw away his blazer on couch and entered the kitchen loosening his tie.

Kajal got to know that it's him and without turning around said, "hey handsome...... Welcome home"

Additya smiled on her words and hugged her from behind and as usual buried his face in her neck and inhaled deeply. It seems that her sweet smell took away all his tiredness away.

"Very Tired huh???.. ... Kajal asked cupping his face from back.

" Hmm...... Papa called today your sister Twinkle:s engagement date is fixed"...... The moment Additya said that..... Kajal turned in his arms and said, "Really..... When??

Additya can't resist himself to kiss her cheeks after seeing her glowing face.

" 22nd of this month.... But.... He has asked to send you a day or two before"....... Additya said seriously.

"Oh.... Ok.... Kajal said

There moment broke as dadi is finally arrived.


The next day after lunch Kajal was getting ready in the room and Additya was waiting for her in the living room as he'll drop her himself.

Additya moved inside the room and saw her struggling with the necklace.

Only he knew that how desirable she looks with one sided hair and bare back in that deep back blouse.

Additya moved near her and fixed her necklace. He snuggled his face in her  neck and kissed there softly and gently.

Kajal closes her eyes, curling her toes she tighten his arms around her.

"How am I gonna stay without you these whole two days".tum nahi rahogi to mera mann kese lagega.... Additya mumbled in her neck

Kajal turned around and Additya kissed her full face with love and affection.
Kajal's face became like ripped tomato.

" You only say about yourself.... Have you ever thought that how am I gonna sleep without you near me...hmm"...Kajal said fake glaring at him. She cupped his face and pecked his lips twice.

She pulled back and said, "I think now i can survive for at least two days without you"

They both hugged each other tightly.

2 days rolled like two weeks for our lovely couple . Though they kept talking whole night but still missing each other like hell.

Engagement day.....

Dadi went to the venue in the evening only but Additya got stuck in his office work.
He asked dadi to go with driver and he'll join her there only.

Additya lost the track of time in work and saw his watch.

"Oh god..... It's 9:40...i should leave immediately otherwise my angel will got angry.
Though she looks tempting hot in anger but still I don't wanna ignite her anger as I m gonna see her after complete two days....... I wonder how beautiful she'll look in that pretty lehenga that dadi brought for her...... Additya thought about his wife and smiled whole heartedly.

Just when he was about to put his blazer onn. his phone ringed.

He picked the call .... It's dadi..... The moment he heard her words..... At first he got frozed at his place for a while .........than he took his jacket and ran outside to start the he can reach her soon.

Dadi said, "Adi...... Come as soon as possible dear...... Kajal.... Kajal.... She has fainted suddenly. "

To be continued..........


What happened to Kajal suddenly??

why did she fainted suddenly???

What's gonna happen now??

To know..... Stay tuned
Do read, share, vote and comment

Luv and hugs from yours Kajal 🤗

Till then PRANAAM🙏

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