36. Brotherly concern

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It looked like Nathan tried to say something but failed.

"Does dear Dad know that you're here, or do you tell him that you go to bible studies at night?" Ash spat, his voice dripping with resentment. "Or no, wait! Do you tell him that you spend the night with your church-approved girlfriend?"

I glanced at Ash. His eyes glowed with malicious joy, and I didn't really know if I liked it. Sure, he had every right to gloat, but was his brother the right person to take it out on?

"Ash, I–," Nathan started, stuttering, but Ash interrupted him.

"Do you like your apartment? Gotta feel damn nice now, to get to do whatever you want without dad knowing about it. Smart move not to tell him anything, guess you realized that after what they did to me. So if you keep your mouth shut and find some chick willing to play devout girlfriend, I'll bet you can get away with it for years before he finds out."

Nathan had become pale as a ghost and turned around without saying another word and went for the exit. Ash watched him leave, venom in his gaze and then he turned back to me and Florian again. He grabbed the drink from the table.

"Cheers to an interesting night," he muttered and knocked back the whole drink in one gulp.

"That was pretty fucking unnecessary," Florian reproached.

"Why?" Ash said. "I don't want him to believe that he can get away with it just because he acts all innocently in front of dad. This is fucking karma at its finest, my dad treats me like shit for being gay and he gets another gay son. Unbelievable."

Florian opened his mouth to say something, but Ash just stood up and took me with him.

"I wanna dance," he said unfazed. "Dance with me, Jamie."

He didn't want to stay and listen to what Florian had to say, that was obvious, but I had no intention of letting him off the hook either. Even if I understood his actions, he needed to understand that his brother was in the exact spot as he once was, ten years ago. Granted, Nathan hadn't said anything to his father, but I was sure that he was just as lost and insecure as Ash must have been. If not more. Nathan didn't need a big brother teasing him right now.

A slow song played as we made our way to the dancefloor, and it was rather crowded. I desperately scanned the other couples to see how they moved. I hadn't set my foot on a dancefloor since middle school, and I suspected that the practice had changed somewhat since then. But Ash saw my awkwardness and pulled me into an embrace and closed his arms around my waist.

"Hands around my neck, kitten," he whispered in my ear and started to slowly move to the music.

"I think you should talk to your brother," I said after a couple of turns around the dancefloor.

Ash held me closer, trailing his fingers down my back.

"Why?" he mumbled, and I felt him sliding his hands under the waistband of my pants.

His hands moved across my ass and pressed, making my crotch grind against him. He was trying to distract me, the bastard. I closed my eyes and tried to gather myself not to fall for his invites.

"Because I think he needs you. Think about it, wouldn't you want a brother to talk to if you were new to this? To even have the guts to go to this bar is pretty ballsy of him."

Ash didn't say anything, instead he started to slowly move us towards the outer wall of the dancefloor, all the while planting light kisses along my jawline. I bumped into the wall with my back and Ash placed my hands on his ass and kissed me. I fought to keep my resolve to talk to him, even if the desire started to tear in me and the will to just give in grew bigger.

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