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Gianna sat facing me on my bed with her brow raised at me and smiled, flipping her long locs over her shoulder. She had strolled into my room unannounced and uninvited, taking up her current position in the process.

Her soft features were beautiful but the look on her face was the furthest thing from innocence.

"Are you going to tell me what you want?" I urged, moving around, tucking my legs underneath me, rubbing my knees in anticipation.

I didn't like the way she was smiling at me. My gut told me that whatever it was she had planned wasn't going to be fun for me.

"We're going to get you a boyfriend!" She blurted, her look turning pensive immediately after the words left her. "Or a friend with benefits... something like that."

"Okay..." I trailed off, sifting through my mind for the right thing to say. What was wrong with my sister? I shrugged at my own question, pulling my locs into a high ponytail. "Why?" was all I came up with as I scratched my head, eyeing her.

She leaned in, almost like she was about to tell me a secret, "You've been bitching a lot lately and I think you need someone to sort that out for you. Maybe then you'll stop being such a pain." She smiled, her feathery light voice a stark contrast to her words.

My eyes rolled on their own accord. She should have been the last person to call someone a pain. I wasn't even complaining that much.

"Plus," Gianna continued, eyes fixated on her nails, "I have the perfect guy for you."

Now, my curiosity was piqued. At least she came with a solution. Car horns honked in the distance as the breeze brought the sound through my open window. That was the closest thing we got to noise in our quiet neighbourhood.

Gianna lifted her gaze to meet mine, a small smile playing on her lips. I waved my hand for her to continue and after a painstakingly slow minute, she finally spoke again, "Jaxon."

I stared at her with a blank expression. She had to be messing with me.

"Jaxon who?" I asked. As dumb as it sounded, I needed to know if we were talking about the same person. It was her turn to return my previous look.

"Jaxon Baker. You know, the guy in our year..."

I sighed and tugged my legs from beneath me, the both of them going numb. "Yeah, I was hoping that you meant someone else. I mean, he's nice so I'll try to talk to him as friends. I'm not about to throw myself at some guy to entertain you."

"Suit yourself." She shrugged and before I blinked twice, she was out the room, closing the door behind her.

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