Drowse - Froger (platonic, slight angst)

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Freddie and Roger go to a bar, Freddie ends up incredibly drunk. Hope you like it!
Nineteen eighty-six.

Freddie and Roger had went out to have some drinks, you know, just for pleasure.

There was lots of conversation, some flirting with a few men for Fred, dancing as well.

It was an easy way to get a high. Unfortunately, half an hour later, someone had a few too many drinks, and it was a tricky situation.

"No, I don't wanna! You can't tell me what to do." The man with a moustache said in a bitter sounding tone.

"Fred, that's enough, yeah? You'll blackout if you have any more alcohol and don't leave."

"I wanna be intoxicated with this special brew," the pianist sang, not caring at all.

Eventually, after much shoving and arguing, Roger had managed to get Freddie to his place.

Roger decided it was best to stay at the Garden Lodge, since he didn't want to bring his drunk best friend home to his kids and wife.

Plus, he was also drunk, and Dominique didn't like when her husband came home like that. When it was a drink or two, not a big deal, but more then that? No person wanted to deal with that.

"Rog.. You can't do 'is to me," Freddie slurred, his brown eyes looking distant.

"I care about you, and you're just arguing 'cos you're too intoxicated."

"I know you are, but what am I?"

Roger rolled his eyes, gently dragging his friend to the sofa and sitting him down.

Freddie repeatedly tried to stand up and do things by himself, and the drummer was getting annoyed a little.

Soon, Roger figured out that if he put cats on top of the singer, he'd stay on the sofa and stroke them for quite a bit of time.

Roger got two glasses of water, downing one and going to give the other to Freddie. "Fred, come drink this."

Freddie stumbled over, almost knocking over vases, making Roger regret asking him to come over there in the first place.

"Here, and here's some medicine for your killer headache." The blond man sounded parental, yet, casual.

Freddie complied without any arguing, realizing his head was pounding. Without the lights, music and drinks, things seemed drastically dull and realistic.

That was not where Fred wanted to be right now. Out of nowhere, he began to speak up.

"I ne-ed some- thing, Rog." He was hiccuping in between his words from drinking so fast.

"What do ya need?" The percussionist was slurring his words now.

"Not sure, darling.. Something.. Warm and cosy. Soothing." The words were getting less drowsy.
Then, it hit him.

"My mum."


"My mum," Freddie repeated. "That's what I need. She's always taken care of me."
"And Kash, my baby sister. I wish they were both here." Freddie said and started to frown, though he didn't cry; he wasn't much of a man to cry.

That hit Roger harder than he'd expected, feeling a sense of melancholy when thinking about his own family, the one he had growing up. His own parents had divorced when he was a teen, so it was rough for a while.

Freddie was friends with his family, especially once his father had accepted his son as a rockstar, but they didn't stay in touch as much as he would have liked. Being a rockstar was a demanding job.

Roger leaned over and gave his band mate a big hug, feeling warm and salty tears fall from his normally bright blue eyes. "It's all right, Fred."

"No, it's all right, Rog. You're upset too now, aren't you?"

"It's.. You know? Clare hasn't been talking to me as much.. I've missed my mum and dad too."

Finally, the pianist hugged back tightly, sniffling quietly.

"I'm lucky to have you in my life." Freddie whispered, realising how late it actually was -- half past eleven.

"I'm glad, Fred. Don't know what I'd do without you. Can't imagine life without you.."

Both men ended up falling asleep on the sofas, since it was closer than the bed. Though, not as comfortable, and their backs would suffer the next morning.

Roger ended up cuddling with Freddie in the middle of the night, not sure if he needed it or his friend did.

But they both woke up with hangovers, Freddie especially.

"Ugh, my head is killing me. Ahhh." Freddie groaned, holding his hand to his head.

Roger opened his eyes but soon regretted it due to the sunlight. If his eyes weren't already sensitive, they definitely were now.

"Ouch, that was a mistake." He grumbled, burying his face in the cushions.

Freddie got off of Roger, getting up to get more water for both of them.

"Thanks for staying with me, it gets lonely here."

"No problem, Fred. I needed to stay here anyways."

A few hours later, both men were well hydrated and not hungover. They talked for quite a bit.
word count: 813

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