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~Chapter 9~

Violets P.O.V

I woke up with someone shaking me violently. My eyes were a bit blurry at first but then they finally focused on the person in front of me. It was my dad, oh! The party! I don't even know what time it starts! I mentally panicked and checked my clock on the nightstand. It read 3:46pm. I slept for awhile, well I was exhausted.. I looked back in my dads direction.
"The party starts at 10:30, don't worry." My dad said amused because I was panicking.
I glared at him and stuck my tongue out at him.
"So why'd you wake me up now?" I said curiously.
What could he possibly want now I thought jokingly.
"Can you please make some dinner? We're all hungry and you and Lydia should eat after all that energy being taken from you both. Plus I can't cook to save my life." He said convincingly.
I nodded my head and told him I'd be down in a minute. He smiled and got up then left the room after closing my door.

I heaved myself up off my bed and put on some comfortable clothes for now. After dinner I'd have to get ready for the pack house birthday bash/changing ceremony for me and Lee. I slipped on my slippers and started walking down the stairs.
"Maybe we'll meet our mate tonight!!" Said Anna excitedly. I could practically see her jumping up in down anxiously.
I chuckled to myself.
"You know I can see/hear your every thought?" She said smugly.
I smirked.
"Oh you were meant to hear that Anna." I said while laughing on the inside.
This was gonna be fun having a wolf.
"Whatever V." She said dramatically.
I could feel her sticking her tongue out. All my ingredients were already set onto the table. Corn chips, tomatoes, green and red peppers, a block of cheese, and a pound of hamburger. They wanted nachos.

I got out a rectangular pan and a medium circular sized pan for the hamburger. I put the hamburger in the pan and put some water in it then set it on the stove. I turned the stove on and got to work cutting up the peppers and tomatoes. Once that was done I went to check on the meat to see it almost done, it just had to soak up the rest of the little bit of water. I started placing the corn chips on the big rectangular pan. I grated most of the cheese and sprinkled it all over the chips. Maybe a little too much, but that's how everyone liked it. I then scattered the red and green peppers along with the tomatoes all over it as well. I stuck it in the oven and set the times for 8 minutes. I put some spices in the meat, mixed it then drained a lot of the grease from it. The timer dinged and I set the pot on the counter and put on my oven mitts then took the pan out of the oven and turned it off. I placed the pan on the top of the oven. I sprinkled the meat on the top by shaking the pan while it was tilted on the side. The hamburger sunk into the melted cheese to blend with the nachos. I placed the big pan in the center of the table so we could all share as a family. I grabbed glasses and set them on the table with the bottle of Pepsi pop.
"Dinner is ready!!" I shouting loud for everyone to hear me.
They all came in talking and sat at the table. Nick was still here. I sat down with them all and then we all started taking chip after chip. We talked about many things and shared lots of laughs. I loved dinner time cause this was when we were all together. After everyone was done I made they guys take care of the dishes and my dad went up to his office to do some Alpha business after he kissed Lydia's and I's forehead and gave the boys that man hug thing.

Lydia's P.OV.

Dinner was delicious! Vi can really cook, she gets it from her mum. We all try not to mention it though because it makes her upset. I laughed Clayton and Nick because they got stuck with the dishes. Oh! I found my mate.. It's Clayton!! Can you believe it?! I haven't told Violet and Nick yet but I have to obviously and I want to. It's now or never.
"V, Nick, I have something to tell you both. Well me and Clayton." I said nervously while playing with my fingers like I normally do.
"You and Clayton are mates." Said Nick and Violet at the same time.
Well that doesn't happen everyday. They both had smug looks upon their faces. Obviously they knew. I smiled.
"Yes." Both me and Clayton confirmed.

Clayton came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked at my feet and he chuckled then went back to doing the dishes with Nick who winked at me and wiggled his eyebrows. Damn I loved my brother. I looked at V to see her smiling so huge it looked painful.
"I'm so happy for you!! I knew you'd two be mates! You guys are so adorable together!!" She said extremely fast with her hands pressed against her cheeks.
My face turned a deeper crimson than I wanted it to.
"Will you stop! I'm going red as a firetrucks over here!" I said between giggles.
My cheeks hurt so much from all the laughing and smiling that was going on. I can't wait till Violet finds her mate so I can do the same to her!

Violets P.O.V

I looked at the time to see it was 8:30. I glanced away but then my head jerked right back to its direction. 8:30?!! We had to get ready. Me and Lydia went upstairs to prepare for the party. I grabbed a pair of black tights, and a black V neck that said, 'Music is my sound.' Some undergarments, and a pair of socks. I went into my bathroom took out two towels from the cupboard and set all my thins on the counter. I jumped into the shower and turned that shower on. The water was so nice and relaxing I swear I could fall asleep. I shammpoed and conditioned my hair then washed my body and face. I quickly shaved and got out and wrapped myself in the bigger towel and my hair in the smaller one. After I was pretty much dried off I took the towels off and threw them in the hamper. I got dressed quickly and then blow dried my hair.

I ran a brush through my hair then brushed and flossed my teeth. I used my minty mouthwash and got my makeup bag from under the sink cupboard. I did a smokey eye makeup look with black, grey, and silver eye-shadow and black liquid eyeliner with wings annd regular eyeliner on my waterline. I put some clear lip gloss and pinned my bangs up to the sides. I had to admit, I looked great.
I went into my room and grabbed my phone and placed it in my black guess purse along with my wallet, makeup, hair brush, and anything else I needed. I turned off everything in my room after slipping on my black flats and went to Lydia's door and knocked.
"You decent?" I asked.
"Yup!!" Replied Lee.
I walked in and saw that she was wearing a nice black dress that ended just above her knees. He make up was the same as mine with a smaller black guess purse. She was wearing black flats just like me. We smiled at each other. Black was both our favourite colors.

We walked down the stairs and yelled to the boys that we were going and they said they'd meet us there. It was warm enough that we didn't need any sweaters or jackets but brought both our leather jackets just in case. We drove my black Chevy truck to the party.

*Authors Note!!*

Might get the next chapter published tonight! Don't get your hopes up though, I got school tomorrow! Good chapter. Sorry if its too short for your taste. And sorry if there's any mistakes that I missed! Comment, vote, share, follow, and read on!! I like suggestions as well :D

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