Pure Bliss.

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~Chapter 25~

Violets P.O.V

I got out of the shower after shampooing and conditioning my hair, shaving, washing my face, and washing my body. Then I dried my body off with the bigger towel that I pulled out from my cupboard. I grabbed the other one and wrapped it around my hair quickly. I carefully stepped into the dress my sweet mate bought me. I fit me perfectly and he was right, I looked good in it. Not being cocky or anything, but I did. I slipped the flats on my feet and smiled. Comfortable; I thought.

I unraveled my hair from the smaller towel I also got from my cupboard and threw it in the hamper along with the other one. I noticed that it was empty so my dad must've been bored and tossed it in the washer and dryer. I turned around to face the mirror and hurriedly got my blow dryer out to finish drying my hair. I used a brush as I did it so it wouldn't be completely tangled. After it was all soft and dry, I ran my brush through it once more getting the remaining knots. I grabbed a few bobby pins to pin my bangs up so they'd be more noticeable. I nodded in approval and went to do my makeup. I did my regular makeup, not wanting to put too much on and make it look like I tried too hard. I did a thin line of liquid eyeliner on my eyelid that stretched out into a wing at the corner of my eyes. I put regular eyeliner on my waterline, without poking myself in the eye. I pulled out my waterproof mascara from my makeup kit and applied it to my long, thick eyelashes.

I also quickly brushed my teeth, put on some deodorant, some of my vanilla perfume, and put on the jewellery he bought with the outfit. My man is so perfect, I whispered to my wolf.
"OUR man." She corrected.
I chuckled and walked out into my room after turning the bathroom light off and closing the door. I did a retake on everything that has happened in the past couple days. It all shocked me that so much can happen in such little time. My room was all packed up. The only thing not in a box or bag was my jewellery box and alarm clock.

The alarm clock can stay here, I was just gonna break it anyways. Plus, Donovan had one on our bedside table. Our.. I don't think I'll ever get over the feeling of saying that. I am truly, madly, deeply, in love with Donovan. I rushed to put some lip gloss, my fully charged phone, money, and Donovan's ring I bought in the clutch he provided with the dress. I grabbed the jewellery to put in the back seat of my truck since I didn't trust the movers with it. I had that in one arm, and my clutch in the same hand. I opened my bedroom door quietly and slipped out after turning everything off and closing the door.

I walked down the stairs to see Donovan waiting in dress pants, a button up shirt that had a couple buttons undone at the top enough that I could see the top of his chest, and black dress shoes. I blushed when he looked up at me and his jaw dropped. I smiled once I got down to him which he returned.
"Gorgeously beautiful. Just how you are every day. Just how I thought you'd look." He said with an emotion too strong for me to put my finger on what it was.
I stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek softly and grabbed his hand with my free hand.
"Let's go?" I asked sweetly.
"Why are you bring your jewellery box darling?" He asked confused.
"Well I don't trust the movers with it because its very important to me. So I'm just gonna put it in my back seat to take home with us afterwards." I answered.
He nodded and went to the door and opened it with a slight bow.
"My lady." He said in a fake British accent.
I giggled and went to walk out the door but Nick's voice caught me.
"Don't forget to use protection!" He shouted loud enough for me to hear from the living room.
"Why?! Your momma didn't!!" I shot back.
I heard a bunch of, 'Ouuu's' as I walked out the door and laughed.

Donovan jogged up to me after closing the door and slid his hand into mine gently. He led me to the truck to put my jewellery box in it and then down the street. It was perfect, the twinkling stars, the moon light, the slight breeze. I felt like I was in a movie. I leant my head on his arm/shoulder as we walked hand in hand.
"Its beautiful." I whispered while staring up at the sky.
"I know." My mate whispered back.
I glanced up at him to see him looking down at me while smiling his contagiously beautiful smile. I smile dback and put my head back down to look at our feet that walked in the same rhythm.
"Where are we going? What are we doing? Are you planning to take me to the woods and murder me? Are you an axe murderer?" I said the last two sentences jokingly.
"Yes, cause there is always those two possibilities." He chuckled lightly.
I loved his laugh. His chuckle. His voice. Everything..
"Hey, you never know." I said while shrugging my shoulders and taking my head off his shoulder/arm.
I swung our hands and arms in the air dramatically.
"We're going out for desert." He gave me my answer after a few moments of comfortable silence.

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