My Name Is...

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Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is a little short, I hope it is still enjoyable though!

Captain of the Royal Guard's POV

Today is my last day of duty as Captain of the Royal Guard for the Princesses of Equestria. After today, I am being assigned a new role, a role so important, I will have a higher clearance and rank than ever before. A role so vital, that I will have to work the hardest I have ever had to work to fulfill it properly. A role so crucial, I simply cannot fail. 

As of tomorrow, I am to become the Captain of the Crown Prince's Royal Guard. I will be in charge of the Prince of Equestria's safety and care. The Prince of Harmony and peace, and future ruler to this land. He is the alicorn with the most power, however, he is still very young. That is part of the reason it is so vital he is guarded. Besides being young, he will also be in the most danger if an enemy is to attack. As the youngest and most powerful alicorn, and heir to the throne of Equestria, he will be in the most danger as a Prince, even more so than the Princesses. 

As of now, the prince is also extremely weak. He is just recovering from an illness that has left him fragile, and has had the whole castle distraught. Even though he is cured of the illness, his body is recovering still, and the poor colt can barely stand on his own. The healers have said he will be completely better in a few days, but until then he is not to exert himself. This being the case, I have been checking on him frequently to ensure his health, however, Princess Luna has remained by his side, while Princess Celestia takes care of all the other affairs regarding the Prince. Once the Prince has made a full recovery, his existence will be announced to all of Equestria as The Crowned Prince of Harmony. 

Currently, I am heading to the Princesses courters, where the young prince has been resting. Princess Celestia requires Princess Luna's assistance in some matters, so I am to watch over the prince until either one of the princesses can return. 

(What the room looks like, this image is NOT mine

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(What the room looks like, this image is NOT mine.)

Upon arriving to the room, I am met with an adorable sight. The young prince is curled up in the center of one of his pillows, so small he is dwarfed by the cushions he is sinking into. His soft fur is fluffed up, with his mane spiked in an endearing bed head. All in all, it is truly a heartwarming sight. 

Not wanting to disturb the prince, I quietly trot over to his bedside and settle myself there to keep watch over him. 

'He needs to rest and regain his energy,' I think to myself. 

I lose track of how long I sit there, watching over him. I begin to consider the other candidates for his guard. Shining Armor is loyal, and very reliable, but he is also being considered as the replacement Captain of the Royal Guard for the princesses. As good as it would be to have him assisting in guarding the prince, he would make a good captain. Besides, there are certainly others who would jump at the chance to protect the prince. What we need are loyal guards to are willing to stand by and defend the prince with their lives. They would also need to be kind and trustworthy, so the prince may safely confide in them. Hmm. 

I suddenly see the prince begin to stir and sit up straighter. 

I watch as the prince groggily blinks open his eyes; the prince takes a moment to adjust to the light before slowly shifting, trying to push himself into a seated position, but failing due to his weak state. 

Not wanting the prince to exert himself, I worriedly speak up. 

"Your highness, please do not move. You are still recovering from your illness, so for the next few days you will be feeling fatigued. It would be best if you stay in bed."

The prince startles at my voice, seeming to have just now noticed my presence. Unfortunately, this seems to have frightened him, as he tries more desperately than before to sit up. He makes it up about half way, before his hooves give out from under him. 

He falls with a quiet thump back onto the pillows, and that is when I notice he is shaking slightly. He must be confused; he probably doesn't know where he is, nor does he likely understand why he is currently so frail. 

Staying where the prince can see me, I carefully move towards him, and pull a blanket up to cover him. He tiredly looks up at me, and I am hit with a wave of protectiveness for him. I look down at him softly and kneel next to him, waiting patiently for him to focus on me before I speak. 

"It's alright, your highness, I'm not going to hurt you. No one here is going to hurt you; you are safe here, you aren't in the forest anymore. You're in Canterlot Castle, that's in Equestria."

After living in the forest on his own for so long, I don't expect him to know anything about the geography of Equestria, so I feel the need to explain things to the prince. He seems to be losing energy, so I bring my nose down and nuzzle his forehead softly.

"It's okay, you can rest. Once you're feeling better, we'll help you understand what's happening. We'll take good care of you; you are very important to us, and hopefully someday, we can be important to you too. Sleep well, your highness."

The colt struggles to keep his eyes open, but it is a losing battle as they begin to close. Before he falls asleep, he murmurs out to me softly. 

"Wha's yur name?" He slurs sleepily. I smile again and give a soft chuckle, and as the prince finally drifts off into slumber, my voice whispers back the answer to his question. 

"My name is Lance Magnus. It's nice to meet you, my prince."

Yo! Been awhile, how have you guys been? 

Hope you guys liked the chapter, and I wonder how many of you figured out the twist for Mr. Lance Magnus? Here's a hint, that last name sounds familiar, huh? 

Anyway, if any of you forgot what Lance is supposed to look like, his image is at the end of the last chapter. 

Some of you may be wondering, "what happened to the fiery and stubborn reincarnated OC? Why is he so complacent right now??" Oh, don't worry, he won't be for long;) 

I'll see you all soon! 



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