Found, Part 2

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Please play the above song with the chapter. I do not own MLP, any art, or any of the songs used in this fic, but I do own Spirit Harmony. 

Spirit's POV

I don't meet anyone's eyes as my guards gently herd me towards the royal chariot, where Celestia and Luna are waiting. (Especially not the cutie mark crusaders.)

This is it. They found me, and now they're never going to let me out of their sight again. I'll never be free again. I'll be cooped up in that castle for the rest of my life. 

I'll never see the crusaders again. 

I guess I'm just meant to be alone forever, huh? 


My head snaps up, and my gaze finds Scootaloo, glaring at the guards surrounding me. 

"Where do you think you're taking him?! He's our friend, so you better back off!"

I'm completely frozen, my eyes wide in disbelief. Does...does this silly pony not recognize the uniforms? Do they not see the literal princesses of Equestria in the chariot RIGHT BEHIND ME?! Did they not hear how the guards addressed me?!!

Or do they just have no sense of self-preservation...?

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both pipe up not a moment later, and I feel the urge to smack my hoof to my face. 

"Yeah! What gives y'all the right to take him?!"

"Yeah! Leave him alone, you jerks!"

My hoof does, in fact, end up meeting my face. What. Is. Happening. 

Lance, who I originally missed in the group of guards that blocked my view, steps forward and meets the fillies' angry stares calmly. 

"If everyone could calm down, please. Don't worry, fillies, we are simply here to bring Prince Spirit back to Canterlot Castle. He disappeared, and left all of us very worried, so we hurried to retrieve him. Rest assured; we only want to keep the prince safe. You have nothing to fear."

I feel a pang of guilt for worrying everyone, but it's buried under the despair I feel when I see my new (friends) acquaintances processing the information given to them. 

They simultaneously turn and look at me with wide, awed eyes. 

I huff a sigh and look away, no longer able to meet their gazes. 

So much for friendship. They'll only see me as the Prince of Equestria now. 

It was nice while it lasted. 

"Let's go," I mutter, turning towards the royal chariot. 

"Wait a moment," a regal, smooth voice interjects. 

Celestia, watching the proceedings silently until now, is looking down at the crusaders with a warm expression. 

The crazy fillies, only just now realizing who they are in the presence of, hurry to bow down low. 

"Princess Celestia!" They hastily greet. 

Celestia's lips twitch upwards in amusement as she continues to look down at them. 

"May I ask you three a question?" 

The crusaders look surprised, but all hurry to nod their heads. I'm faintly reminded of bobble heads. Do they even exist here?

My train of thought freezes when Celestia asks her question. 

"You said you were Spirit's friends, is this true?"

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