All Hail!

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Hey everyone! It's time for a new chapter, finally, right? Lol, enjoy you guys!

P.S. I do not own MLP, nor do I own any pictures or music included in this chapter.

Spirit's POV

"Mmh," I hum contented as I stretch out on whatever fluffy pillow I'm lying on. That was the best sleep I've had since...well, since my last life. Living in a cave is good for trying to stay hidden, not so good for sleeping comfortably. 

Wait. I slept comfortably. My fur is clean, and my mane isn't tangled. Something's wrong. 

Sitting up, I take a look around. I'm in a lavishly decorated room, sitting on a pile of plush pillows and surrounded by banisters and decorations reminding me of the night sky. It doesn't take a genius to realize where I am. 

"I'm in Princess Luna's bedroom in Canterlot Castle, aren't I?" I deadpan rhetorically. 

Without waiting for an answer, I smash my head back into the pillows and let out a muffled scream. Once I'm finished letting out my frustration, I look out the window of the bedroom.

 I need to get out of here before anyone realizes I'm awake, and this place is probably swimming with guards. 

Standing up, I step off the pillow and head towards the double doors at the other end of the room. I let out a sigh of relief as I make it towards the doors. I don't know how long I was asleep, but I do remember feeling really weak, I was barely strong enough to talk when the Princesses found me! Being able to walk without issue now must mean I'm fully recovered. I must've been asleep for a few days then. Yikes. Note to self, stay far away from creepy unknown plants in the Evergreen Forest, or in general really. 

My horn lights up in a familiar silver glow as I use my magic to open the doors...

And I nearly jump out of my fur when I come face to face with a surprised guard. The royal guard is a grey pegasi, standing fairly tall even for a stallion, wearing intricate golden armor with a compressed lance strapped onto his back. It must be one of those expandable ones I've seen in my last life, I didn't know they had them here. 

I suddenly realize that in my panic I've fallen right on my rear, and quickly try and right myself, tripping on my own hooves a little in the process. Damn, I miss having legs. 

And no, I am not lamenting about my legs to distract from the fact that I squeaked when the guard surprised me. I didn't squeak in the first place! It was a grunt, a grunt I tell you!

My attention is drawn back to the guard when I hear a sound. Looking back at him, I see him chuckling gently at me. He thinks this is funny!!

The mean guard, (he's mean for laughing at me!), offers a hoof to help me up. Staring at it suspiciously for a moment, I eventually huff and accept the help, looking away with all the dignity I can muster. I'm completely unaware of the guard's thoughts that my attempt at being 'dignified' just looks like an adorable pout. 

Once I am standing once more, the guard places his right hoof to his chest and bows. 

"I apologize for not introducing myself earlier, your highness. My name is Lance Magnus, and from this day forward, as decreed my Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, I will be your personal royal guard, and the leader of the rest of the guards in your security detail. My number one priority is your safety and happiness. It is an honor to serve you, your highness."

I'm finding a lot of things wrong with what this guard just said, but the first thing that catches my attention is "your highness?"

The guard, Lance Magnus apparently, gains a look of realization on his face. 

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