Valentime's Day

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The day of love is one of (Y/N)'s most favorite holidays. It's not because she cared about having a date or not, but because she would always find ways to make others feel special. And while she tried to do that everyday, today was just her extra dose of effort. So her first act of kindness for Valentine's was waking up extra early to make a batch of heart-shaped pancakes for her parents. Since they woke up very early to go to their office and hospital, she was quick and tried to be clean with everything.

(F/N) was the first to go down just as (Y/N) was washing dishes and gasped at the food. "Ooh, heart-shaped pancakes! Is it pre-Valentine's Day already?"

"Yep! Happy pre-Valentine's dad!" She went to hug her father and kiss his cheek. "Hope you and Mom enjoy chocolate chips and blueberries!"

"Thank you sweetie for doing this!"

"Well pancakes are the one other thing I know how to make from scratch!"

"Isn't it a hassle to always do all these Valentine's things for a whole week? The day is still tomorrow!"

"Dad, there's nothing better than spending a whole week of love!" (Y/N) grinned. "I gotta get to school now."

"Already? It's still so early."

"The Glee Club and I have a special Valentine's event and we HAVE to be there before the bell rings," (Y/N) went to shoulder her bag and carry her acoustic guitar case.

"You're doing so much this year, aren't you?" (F/N) grinned. "You always make an effort on Valentine's Day."

It's true, (Y/N) had done things like write poems, dress up as a giant heart, bake brownies and cookies for everyone, and even dressed up as Cupid one year. She loved the day of love, mainly because her parents met on that day and she'd fallen in love with their love story ever since they first told it.

"Thanks dad!"

"You're leaving already?" (M/N) gasped, as she also came down the stairs. "Without a Valentine's Day kiss from your mother?" (Y/N) laughed and let her mom kiss her on the forehead. "Love you sweetie!"

"Love you guys! See you tonight!"


Compared to (Y/N), the quads were more concerned on what they were receiving rather than what they were giving. Don't they complement each other so well? They were arguing in the classroom that morning over who got the most Valentine's. Dawn was bragging about her giant Mae card and Dicky was complaining that just because it was big doesn't mean she won the "contest". Ricky and Nicky were also arguing over who got more when they were tied.

"Hey look I found one more!" Ricky held up a piece of paper that said "Happy Valentine's Day".

"You wrote that to yourself," Nicky stated, not amused. He grabbed the paper and tore it in half.

"Oh,you wanna dance? Let's dance." Ricky grabbed one of Nicky's cards and tore it. The two began tearing at each other's cards.

"Wait, not that one!" Nicky suddenly stopped Ricky, who was confused.


"That one's the one (Y/N) gave! Look she personalized it, and it has a stick of butter and says 'You make me melt'! She knows I love ingredients!

"Oh, she made me one too!" Ricky held up a card with the periodic table. "Mine says, 'You must be made of Copper and Tellurium cuz you're CuTe'!" The boy burst out laughing while the others didn't get it.

"Mine says she digs me," Dicky smirked, holding up a card with a shovel. "Cuz she digs me!"

"Yeah right!" Dawn scoffed, knowing the truth. "Well, mine says 'Olive you'." She chuckled as she held up hers. "She olives me. Classic (Y/N)."

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