Ele-Funk in the Room

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Shoutouts for the chapter:


Thanks for reading! This ep might be a little boring but as usual, when an episode is boring, I just try to add my personal flare and fluff to it, so pls enjoy!))

(Y/N) used to be a Sunshine Girl back when she was younger. But ever since she became an internet sensation, she didn't have any time to do scout things. She had to keep writing her songs, book her gigs for the month, keep her socials and fans updated, plan events with her mom-ager, and everything in-between. She wasn't a big star yet signed to a record label, so she had to do most of her planning herself. And being a Sunshine Girl made her happy. Even if she was the slowest in getting her badges, she still liked doing these things with her friends.

That day, Dawn, (Y/N), Mae, Natlee, and June burst through the kitchen door, all in their Sunshine Girl uniforms. "We are on FIRE this month!" Dawn exclaimed, pointing to her sash. "We've already got our Sunshine Girl kayaking badge, oh our cookie-selling badge–"

"You mean YOU guys got a lot," (Y/N) sighed. "I only got half of what you guys earned." As said, she only had a few patches on her sash, compared to the other girls.

"But at least you also got the community service badge with us today."

"If you call cleaning out your mom's car community service," Natlee pointed out.

At that, Anne entered the kitchen as well, dressed in her troop leader uniform. "Hey, I said you could keep anything you found."

"I got 32 cents and a hard French fry!" Mae stated, holding up the fry. As she spoke, the three Harper boys entered the kitchen. Nicky's eyes brightened as he saw the only girl that mattered in the room.

But Dicky's eyes were on the fry in Mae's hand. "Dibs!" he yelled and grabbed it from her. He bit into the fry and frowned. "This one isn't hard." He handed it back and held out one from his pocket. "THIS one's hard!" He bit into the French fry which made a loud crunch, hurting his teeth. "Ow, ow."

(Y/N) scoffed and Nicky walked over to her. He cleared his throat, glancing over at Natlee and June, and just "casually" said "Hey."

The girl smirked. "Hey."

And then, a horn honked outside. "That's my mom," Natlee said. "Bye Sunshine Sisters."

The five girls wiggled their hands and chanted, "Whoo-dee-whoo-dee-whoo-wah!" They waved at each other as Natlee and June left. "Bye!"

Once the two girls were gone, Nicky put an arm around (Y/N)'s waist. "You look cute in this uniform," he said, smirking.

(Y/N) scoffed. "I've been wearing this uniform since I was nine."

"And you're still adorable until now!"

"And what about us?" Mae demanded as she put a hand on her hip, gesturing to herself and Mae.

"...You're alright I guess." The girls gasped, offended.

Tom suddenly entered the kitchen, grinning at the four women. "My three favorite scouts and their fearless troop leader, get in here!" They all chuckled as he hugged the four girls, bringing them into a group hug. He also glanced over at the boys. "See how happy they look with all their badges? Just think if you guys were scouts you'd be in on this hug too."

"Not into it," Nicky shook his head.

"No thanks," Ricky shrugged.

"No time," Dicky stated.

Tom scoffed. "What do you mean? All you have is time. When I was painting that fence earlier you stood there and literally watched it dry."

"That's only because we were finished watching the grass grow," Ricky explained.

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