Chapter 1: Premiere/Visions

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Hey guys i am just going to fill you in on what is happening so far since its been 3 years.
Maria is a famous Actress, Colin is a Famous Actor as well, Celia is a famous Model and Actress as well, well that's it i guess lets continue on to the story. Celia's Outfit is in the External link at the end of the chapter.


~3 Years later on Earth~

~May 4, 2012~
7:30 pm

*Maria's POV*
I was getting ready for my movie premiere when i heard a knock at my door "come in" i said the door opened and celia came into the room in a black dress that had white at the top, with red shoes and her hair was done in a side braid with curls falling done to the side "Me and Colin are ready" she said i nodded and looked at myself in the mirror to see if i was missing anything i wasn't so i grabbed my clutch bag left my room and went down the stairs with celia. after we got to the bottom we saw colin in a black suit with a white button up top and a bow tie "ready to go" i asked they nodded and we all left to the black limousine that was parked outside of our house and got in.

~At Red Carpet~
8:20 pm

*Maria's POV*
When we got to the Red Carpet we all got out of the limousine, and started walking to where the pictures were being taken me and colin holding hands and walking together, no we are not dating but i wish we were, when we got to the place where they're taking the pictures i saw all my co-stars there i smiled at them and walked towards them "Hey guys" i hugged them all and got in the middle of them since i am the only girl in this movie we all smiled at the camera's and they took pictures of us.

After that we all walked to the people we came with colin was waiting there patiently "hey come on where going inside" i said to him he nodded his head at me and smiled i smiled back and we head inside the theater. after we got inside i went backstage since there going to call our names "hello thank you for everyone who came to see The Avengers tonight we are excited for it now lets bring out our stars" joss said

(I know Scarlett Johansson plays Natasha romanoff aka black widow in the avengers and iron man 2 but i wanted maria to play her) "Maria Lancaster, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemswoth, Mark Ruffalo, Jermey Renner, and Chris Evans" joss said we all walked out and smiled at the crowd the microphone then got handed to me "thank you everyone who came here tonight to see this movie tonight we worked really hard on it so i hope you guys like it, and enjoy the movie" i said and handed the microphone back to joss we all then went to sit down to see the movie.

~Skipping Movie~
9:50 pm

*Maria's POV*
After the movie finished we all got back up on the stage and took a bow and then everyone started to file out of the theater and to the after party, after everyone was out including me and my friends plus we went to our cars and to the after party hall. we finally got to the after party and got out of the car and into the building, me and my friends went to the bar and got 2 champagnes for me and celia and 1 beer for colin we all found a table and sat there talking and laughing when i felt a tap on my shoulder turned around and saw chris evans i got out of my chair and hugged him.

"hey chris you want to sit down with us" i asked him he nodded "Oh chris i forgot to introduce you to my friends, chris this is colin jones and celia jones, celia colin this is my friend Chris Evans" they all said there hello's but i saw both chris and celia already in a conversation completely ignoring me and colin (i didn't mind though because ever since we got to earth celia has been scared that we were going to get attacked but i told her that i was scared to and that we will work things out.

so i am happy she is coming out of her shell with other people like she's okay with modeling and acting but she is still scared of the people she meets) me and colin looked at each other and got up from the table and went to another table "so how did you like the movie" i asked colin "it was actually really good" he said smirking a bit i groaned "colin i know that face what was wrong with the movie" i said/asked he then started laughing, after about a minute of laughing he finally stopped "are you going to tell me now" i asked he nodded still smiling "how could you film that movie you know that Asgard is real and so are Loki and Thor hell we even met them" he said "well it was great opportunity and i laughed as well when i saw the script but it came out good didn't it" i said he nodded and we talked the rest of the night.

~At Home~
10 :20

*Maria's POV*
"That was so much fun, i even got Chris' number" celia said while we were getting into the car i smiled at her and laid my head on the window tired out of my mind. we got out of the limousine when we arrived to the house, when we were inside the house we all went to our rooms i got to my room and took off my dress, shoes and jewelry and got into my pajamas, i got into bed and fell asleep instantly but i had the weirdest dream more like vision.

I was walking around my....palace seeing it all destroyed, and so many bodies i gasped when i saw my parents among the pile of corpses i felt tears slide down my cheeks, but the scenery changed and i was in the throne room i saw someone sitting on the throne wait that's not a person thats.......Kaik the leader of the Zears, the king of Zeartinatia (Pronounced: Zear-tin-atia) "My grace we finally located Queen Maria" one of the Zears said i gasped they found me "what planet is my queen on" Kaik said his queen what the hell is he talking about " she is on earth my liege" the same Zear said ""then i guess where going to have to attack her precious home/Earth to get my Queen" kaik said laughing the Zear joined in as well, what i can't let earth/home get attacked because of me, but i couldn't finish my dream because i woke up.

When do you think Kaik is going to attack?
How will Maria stop this?

Well i hope you guys like this chapter i worked hard on it love you guys BYE LOVELIES.

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