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"Good Morning America! Man, have we got some ne-"


"Wow, she's Lady Legasis br-"


"Biden is ruining t-"


"I lost my diamond earring in the ocean, and it's gOnE!"

"Kim, there are peo-"

The flat-screen turns off with a click.

Grudgingly the lazy male stood up from his couch and headed to the fridge.

"Stupid tv with no stupid things to watch! I was like... ninety-nine point nine percent sure there was a Harry Potter marathon today!"

Looking up from the empty fridge, he saw the concerned look on his roommate's face.

"Dude, I'm seriously concerned about you." His buddy walked toward him, "You gained like ten pounds just this week. What happened?"

"You know what happened! I lost everything, and now I honestly don't give a crap about you or anyone else's opinion, so just shut it and leave me alone!" He quickly slammed the door and pushed past his startled companion.

"First, just because you lost your 'great legacy' doesn't mean you lost everything. Second, my opinion defiantly matters! You don't even help pay any more! All you do is sit on your butt all day and eat my food!"

The male rolled his eyes.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me!"

He snorted, "Why not? You're overacting, and you look stupid flailing your arms around like that."

"If you think I look so stupid, you can leave." Red-faced, the tall brunette stomped towards the dorm door and opened it as an invitation for him to leave.

"Fine! I don't need you anyway, Conrad!"

The truth was, he did need Conrad.


Conrad was the only hero at the academy that knew his secret.

When you're born, you are sorted into three possibilities. Normal, Hero, or Villain.

The normals go on live their lives and make more normal or villain children.

Heroes are only made when two heroes mate together. So obviously, there are fewer of them, which makes them better. Or so they say.

Villains, on the other hand, are made in multiple different ways. The most common is a villain and a villain, but villains can spawn out of two normals and or a normal and a hero.

The system is flawed.

When a newborn is deemed 'evil,' they get placed in a cell.

Yup, a cell.

Those villains grow up and often go mad by the undeserved prison confinement. So naturally, they try and stage jailbreaks, mass killings, robberies, world domination. All of that stuff. Heroes for years have stopped that and saved the 'normal lives.'

Heroes were honored and praised for the work they did. They also never had to be feared. When heroes had kids, they were likely not to be evil. And when they were a pure-blood hero, they were even better. Everyone either loved them or wanted to be them. No pureblood had ever been evil.

That was until Maverick Winters.

The only person in the entire world that knew about pure-blooded Maverick's villainy was Conrad James. And now he was kicking him out.

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