Chapter 2 - I'm So Sorry

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"You're lucky I was in a good mood. I won't tell mum or dad but if this happens again, I will." Threatens Tyler. I roll my eyes so he can see. He frowns at me.

"What were you thinking? That's so irresponsible of you... It's so unlike you..." He adds.

"Yeah well would you rather I actually killed Bethany?" I ask, shoving a spoonfull of cereal into my mouth.

Tyler chuckles. Does he not understand this isn't a laughing matter? I'm being totally serious.

"Get a shower after you ate and stay in bed for a couple of hours. You don't look too good. Get changed to something else as well... You look a bit awkward in that oversized shirt I found for you yesterday. We don't want people to get the wrong impression." He instructs.

"Yes, mum." I answer him, making fun of his Alpha habits. I don't blame him, I have them too.

He shakes his head at me, smiling before kissing my forehead and going off somewhere. I sigh and finish off the cereal alone in the kitchen.

He then comes back quickly. I look up.

"Happy birthday for tomorrow... Just in case I don't see you because of business."

I smile at him. "Thanks."

When I'm done, I wash up my bowl and spoon and go upstairs for a shower. This time, I'm out after 15 minutes and I get changed into some leggings and top. Then I get into bed and start watching netflix with my still existing headache.

I'm begining to get tired and I'm dozing off when I sink in my bed suddenly as something heavy lands on it. I look up, startled to see Lewis now laying next to me, watching the film with me.

I groan in annoyance.

"What exactly were you thinking, sneaking out like that?" He asks me.

"I needed time to think and get away from things." I tell him.

"Well then you should have gone for your daily jog instead. I would have joined you."

"But I didn't want to." I answer simply, now trying to concentrate on the movie.

"What happened to make you do it?" He asks. I ignore him.

"Oi!" He says so I put my hand over his face. He instantly takes it off him with a disgusted expression. After a few more seconds he decides to give up and watch the film with me.

I look the guy in the eyes. I can't believe he's actually my mate! I finally found him...

He looks at me, up and down and smiles.

"I would have you but I already have somebody else." He tells me. I frown.

"What?" I whisper.

Then out of nowhere comes a figure with chestnut, curly hair. She kisses my mate and he's kissing her back. My hearts breaking as I watch this, also knowing that the person he's kissing is Bethany.

I collapse down to the floor in agony as my heart hurts so much I can't breathe.

My eyes snap open at the sound of screaming and a smashing window. I'm now breathing heavily and some sweat has formed on my forehead.

I look around me, my laptop is still on and the film 'Love, Rosie' is still playing. I'm still in my bed and Lewis is sleeping beside me. No Beathany, no mate, no screaming or glass windows. Maybe I imagined the last part.

I try to calm myself down as I tell myself it was all just a dream. It's my birthday tomorrow, the day I turn 17 I can officially find my mate. Usually girls get a dream to do with finding their mate the night or week before. It doesn't have to be true, thank God.

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