Chapter 27 - Victory or Loss?

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Early update because its 1am here so this counts as Sunday, enjoy.

The silence turns to chaos in a matter of one short second. As much as I wanted to do what I was set on, Josh is right. I should get these kids away from the battle field.

I take a turn noticing a child running the opposite direction of the fight behind some trees. The little boy is shaking and I can hear his pounding heart from a mile away. I slowly approach him and surprisingly he doesn't run away. He just hugs the tree tightly and closes his eyes.

"I won't hurt you..." I say, trying to keep my voice soft but it's hard since my mate could be hurt at any time and there's people dying right now. He opens his eyes but doesn't move.

"Is your mum and dad fighting?" I ask. He nods his head quickly.

"I don't want to. I'm scared." He says.

"Of course you would be..." I trail off, now crouching to his level. "Come with me, I'll get you safe." I tell him, holding a hand out. He takes it without hesitation and we walk further into the woods far from the field. I don't expect him to be so trusting.

"My mummy and daddy didn't want to fight either." He carries on.

"They didn't, hm?" I mumble, believing him but asking him to carry on the subject.

"No. Nobody wanted to. But Alpha wanted everyone to." He says in his own little world and his own thoughts. He seemed to shut a lot out.

I part my lips to speak but I feel piercing pain in my chest. I kneel down to the floor or else I feel like I would have fallen anyway. It's no ordinary pain though, it's to do with the mate bond and that only means one thing.

Josh is hurt.

"Stay there and if you see any other kids, get them to hide there with you." I tell the boy before shifting and running as fast as my legs can carry me towards where my instincts are telling me my other half is.

After around a minute of running, I'm on the field again. There are a lot of dead bodies on the floor and most people except some have shifted to their wolves to fight. I rely on my scent to lead me to Josh and I notice him. He's too shifted and is fighting Eric by the looks of things.

I run as fast as I can in their direction. Eric is about to try to get to Josh's throat. I stop in front of him and let of a loud growl which stops him and he's now looking at me.

What are you doing? Asks Josh through the mind link.

Trying to save your fucking ass!

That's not what you're doing.

I begin to feel angry and irritated with Josh. I'm doing what I can and he's being too over protective. Eric makes a move for Josh again and not me which I'm surprised but also not happy about. Not thinking about what I'm doing and letting my wolf take over completely, I go for Eric's neck myself. I get bit myself in the process and I'm loosing blood but he lets go of Josh and my mate uses that opportunity to join in with me. We let go of Eric who is really injured by now after a moment.

Two members from Eric's pack stand by him, growling at me and Josh in their wolf form. We hold our stares and I feel a little uneasy because they're quite strong and I'm not in the right shape to fight. Josh would most likely struggle on his own.

That's until I feel another presence behind me and a threatening growl. Lewis! He's here to back us up.

Perfect timing, I tell him through the mind link.

Well duh, this is me you're talking about. Perfect everything, he answers me.
I want to roll my eyes at this but that's not currently ideal. I'm just glad he's here.

The two wolves notice they're outnumbered and probably have limited time before the state of their Alpha becomes at high risk of death. He'll recover from the injuries in a few weeks of being in bed. I like to think of this as the end of the battle and victory to our side.

They slowly back away, leaning their heads down too to show they've given up. One of them howls and the rest start backing away too. It takes a while, everybody is still allert but the field clears of the enemy wolves.

This was a pretty easy fight. Didn't last long either. Now what was the cost? How many lives were lost and what was the damage?

I start to feel a bit dizzy but ignore the feeling and turn to Josh. My heart starts pounding faster as he lays on the floor, eyes closed and blood still dripping from his neck and chest, covering his fur.

It doesn't take long for my eyelids to feel heavy and I loose consciousness. The last thing I hear is Lewis calling my name and then complete darkness is all that I see.

I open my eyes too fast because my eyes hurt as they adjust to the light. I notice Lewis sitting on my bed by the side though, holding my hand.

"Hey." He smiles.

"Hey." I answer in the same way, curving my lips up just at the sight of him.

"The baby is completely fine. You just lost some blood, your brain didn't recieve enough oxygen and you fainted." He explains. I feel instant relief when he tells me that my baby is okay.

"That's good." I nod at him.

My smile drops as I remember what happened before I blacked out. "Josh." I say with a lot of worry in my voice, springing into a sitting position.

"Wait, lay down again. He's going to be okay too." Reassures Lewis.

I let out a deep breath and allow myself to rest back against the bed again. Josh is okay. We're all going to be fine.

"You know... I found a lot out over a very short period of time. It's kind of overwhelming." He starts.

"Hm? Like what?" I ask him.

"Well... Terry used the same spell that was used on Joshua on me." He says.

"What?" I whisper.

"She made me think I was her mate. She wanted to get close to you through me to tell Bethany the latest news so Eric knows what time to attack." He explains.

"Oh my God, Lewis! I'm so sorry..." I trail off, not really believing she could do such thing. How could she hurt Lewis like that?

"I found out during the battle. I saw Bethany and Terry talking and overheard everything. But I knew something was up before..." He continues.

"What do you mean?" I push.

"Well despite the supposed mate bond between me and Terry, I still couldn't stop thinking about one other girl in the way I always have. I couldn't stop thinking about you."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you think so far through the commets and please vote!
Thank you for the votes on who you shipped Lexie with, I will take them into account.
Alsoooo! Can I thank you all sooo much for going from nearly 100k to 150k reads on this story between one chapter?!
Like WOW!
Thank you sooo much!

I am kind of sad, kind of happy to say that 'Alpha's Baby' is very close to it's end. I am so proud of this because I've never completed a story before so this one is special. It's definitely not my fav though because I have others coming up and I know it has a lot of errors and mistakes and it's not that great but it's good enough for my first and as long as at least one of you loved it, I am happy :)

I love you all sooo much, until next Sunday :*
{School starts for me tomorrow. Can somebody shoot me in the head?}


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