Chapter 9 - Mixed Emotions

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"Okay guys, listen up." My voice projects through the field loudly, holding power and dominance.

All the Omegas look at me, tired. What annoys me is how much they lack in experience. What I mean is that no pack leader can ever let any pack member be so helpless when it comes to fighting. They don't even have any faith or motivation in themselves! To make a pack strong, everybody has to be equally trained.

"I don't care if you're a Delta, Sigma or Omega. I really don't care. I want this pack to get stronger and if it gets stronger, all members have to use their strengths or develop them. I don't care if you're weak, I don't care that you're the lowest rank. You may all have different strengths but have the same abilities as an Alpha if you try. You're just as important... Please just make yourself feel like you're worth something and work on it." I plead.

They seem to all be listening to what I'm saying, instensively. Some of them are nodding, some just concentrating or even thinking about what I just told them. One girl, however is looking down to the floor, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Now get working." I tell them. They start going back to their training activities.

"Great speech, boss." Says Lewis. He leans in and wraps his big arms around my small frame. I'm kind of starting to realise why some people see us as a couple but on the other hand, it's a natural thing for both of us.

"Thank you. Could you please help them? I have somebody to speak to." I tell him. He replies with a 'of course' and I scan for the girl that was crying.

When I find her, I walk over to her. She looks up at me and her eyes show fear. I didn't think I was this scary.

"Hey, it's okay. I just want to talk with you. What's your name?" I ask.

"Ca- Cas - Sie. Cassie." She says, now sobbing.

"What's happened, Cassie?" I ask her. She looks down on the floor again.

"Cassie? It's okay, I wouldn't tell the Alpha." I assure her right after.

She looks up at me again, then down to the floor and at me again.

"My- my mate... He- re- rej- rejected me- I- Because I'm- I'm an O- Omega-" She breaks down.

My heart also breaks at the sight of her. She looked so weak. I wrap her into a hug.

"Shh." I soothe.

"Now- now he'll get a new mate and- and I don't think I can- could live with it." She adds.

If your mate rejects you, obviously you feel terrible pain, both of you. Some get depressed to the point they simply die. It's a bad trait of a wolf, we need the other half to survive. A wolf without it's mate is pretty much already dead.

However when you reject or get rejected, fate usually gives you another mate. It can be the next day or 10 years later or in some cases never. Your feelings for that new mate are just as strong, maybe even stronger but there is still a pull towards the mate you lost, even with the new bond.

"If he's blind enough to not see what an amazing girl you are, he clearly wasn't good enough for you. He's not worth spending his life with you, Cassie. And you know what? I'm sure you'll find a mate that will respect and love you very soon, then you can prove to him what he lost." I tell her. She's now stopped crying.

"You think so?" She asks. I nod at her brightly. She smiles at me.

"Thank you. You truely are born to be a leader." She says with enthusiasm before joining the training group.

I watch as she and the rest now put everything into this training. They're really pushing themselves and the outcome is great.

"Your parents would be so proud of you." Comments Lewis which tells me he heard the whole thing. I just hug him.

I snap back to reality as I realise what time it is. "That's it for today, guys! Well done! I saw huge improvement from all of you!" I shout so everyone can hear me. They bow their heads in respect slightly and go to get showered and changed I'm guessing.

I sigh. This was exhausting.

"I'm gona go check up on Darcy... Ty isn't very good with children." I tell Lewis, who seems to be busy staring at a particular brunette. He murmurs an okay. I smile. Already he sees so much in her. She is lucky to be getting Lewis as a mate. I wouldn't mind if he was mine.

I let out a deep breath I didn't realise I was holding as I walk up the few staircases of the pack house to Tyler's room. I knock on the door and he opens it for me. He looks tired and honestly not too good.

"What happened to you?" I ask, walking into his room.

"When does she go to sleep?" He asks. I make my way to the bed area where Darcy is jumping up and down on the matress.

"Darcy, get down, please. You'll hurt yourself." I tell her. She gives me a huge grin.

"Mummy!" She cheers, jumping off the bed and bashing into me with a hug.

I look around the room which is now messy. Looks like I may need to hire a professional nanny... I glance at Tyler again and frown.

"Why are your nails painted pink?" I ask, amused. That's a rhetorical question. I look at Darcy which is now giving me the cutest little innocent look.

"I think he looks pwetty." She comments.

Oh Darcy...

I take Darcy back to my room and thank my brother. He replies with a sarcastic 'sure, any time' which just tells me he doesn't want to be a baby sitter. Darcy tells me she'll go down to the garden to play with the other girls her age and even though I still don't trust this pack and probably never will, I can't just keep her in my room. Besides, I need to take a shower.

I run the hot water and get in, standing under it for a few minutes like I always do, just letting the water run along my body. I notice how much skinnier my body looks. I was always quite a slim girl, with an American size two for clothes and UK 6-8 but my stomach looks even flatter recently. This is probably because of the training class I just did though, with sit ups and ab workouts.

I also haven't ate anything today which wasn't the wisest choice. My arms are thin and so are my legs but they seem to have a bit of muscle on them. That's improvement. My bra size was always quite small but I guess this is what comes with a naturally thin body.

I now lift my head upwards into the water so it splashes onto my face. I remember the fact I have make-up on too late. Oh well.

I use that time to realise how hectic my life is or has been for the past two days. Who would have thought I would meet my mate whilst tresspassing his land and being held there. Of course, in a way a had a choice to leave but yet I didn't... Why? Something tells me it wasn't just the revenge plan but then again, I was sure I could handle the mate bond.

Now I'm not that convinced.

I curse under my breath as I realise the worst possible thing right now, is happening. I'm on heat. Really? I was hoping to leave before this happened.

All I need now is an extra protective mate, unmated guys after me and worst of all, no control over myself or Joshua.

I bash my head on the wall, harder than intended. I groan in frustration as I realise how messed up my life is right now. I should just give up. I should tell Josh the truth and just be with him. Who am I trying to fool? I literally can't live without him whether I like it or not.

It's time to get over myself and let it be.

So not very exciting. Sorry, it's more of a filler. But hey! Turn of events! Lexie may actually give him a chance now. Who do you support? Team Josh or Lewis? Lets not forget Will. Ship names would be cool if any of you make any up! And also covers and banners are highly appreciated! If you make one (and this is entirely up to you, you definitely don't have to) you can send it to me on

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