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Kyle's pov

After a few minutes of thinking and a look in the mirror I came to the conclusion I was reincarnated. After I came to that conclusion I felt an icebreaking headache and memories started pouring in like I was watching a movie.

The headache lasted for about 2 minutes but i learned a lot about this body. I learned that his name was Leonard or Leo for short and he was basically a "mistake." Most people in this world have two different magic attributes but Leo only had one. He was consider weak and useless and was ignored by everyone around him. He tried to gain his parents attention by excelling in his studies but it didn't work. His older and younger siblings were doted on making him jealous.

When he was about 10 he gave up and started hurting and being mean to his younger brother. He couldn't hurt his older brother because he was too strong. When he was 16 a girl named Emma came to the academy he instantly fell in love with her but she also ignored him. Not knowing how to express his love he started hurting her. The capture targets found out and all together they killed Leo at the young age of 17.

Right now he's about 11 everyone in the household hates him because they know he's been hurting his younger brother.

Wow, looking through all these memories i feel sorry for him. It's not his fault he only has one common magical attribute which is ice. I personally think ice is pretty cool. I've secretly read many books about reincarnation and I think the people in those stories do to much and are really dumb. Being out of character and not wanting to associate with the main characters would definitely change the story/game. But they're so shocked when something not in the original story/game happens.

Oh well I won't be doing anything as exhausting as ignoring others. I will just act like myself and if the main characters come up to me, well they can do whatever they want. Oh I forgot to recall from this bodies memories there's another villain I wasn't able to see their face very clearly but they had blonde hair and green eyes. They'll probably be trouble.

Just when I was thinking that someone knocked on my door.

"Come in"

The person that opened the door was Sillen, Leo's butler. He's the same age as Leo so right now he's 11. Leo's father, Daniel found Sillen on the streets and since he didn't want to buy a butler for Leo he decided that Sillen should be his butler. Daniel thought that Sillen would be incompetent but he was wrong Sillen is very smart, respectful and responsible. He also knew how to cover up emotions. Right now Sillen hates Leo but his face doesn't show it.

"Young master, it's time for dinner please come down and eat"

"Ok, I'm coming"

I walk away from the mirror I was examining myself in and go to the door. Sillen turned and I followed him out not forgetting to close the door behind me.

If Sillen was surprised by my calm reply he didn't show it. We just walked to the dining hall and two maids opened the door while shaking a bit. I walked in with Sillen behind me and my family didn't even look at me. Except from Alex who glanced at me but then quickly looked back at his food. My seat was right next to Leo's mother, but knowing her true character I got my food and moved 4 seats away. The place went quite and my family finally looked up at me. You could have heard a pin drop.

"Won't you inform me of why you moved 4 seats away from me" 'mom' asked in her 'kind' voice

"Well the explanation is simple, I just don't want to be next to you"

Again no one spoke they were in shock, at least I think. Their faces didn't really show it. I wonder if I should take the chance to hint to them or tell them directly I've changed.

" I would like to tell you.... I've changed.... I won't keep hurting Alex"

Alex looked shock and happy about that statement.

"I also won't seek for you approval or admiration anymore, I will ignore you like you did to me"

With that I stood up not looking at anyone's reaction. And I walked to my room plopping myself on my bed.

Wow that was stressful, but nothing I said was a lie.
I wonder how the story will change. Oh well, I like surprises and that's probably what I will get.

I check the time on the white magically made alarm clock.

"Wow it's already 11:00, it's been a long few hours in this world so I'll go to bed and look forward to tomorrow"

With that sentence I slept off, only to wake up to an opening of my door. I wasn't fully awake but I could hear lightning and someone squealing. There were two people at my door whispering at each other it seems like they were thinking about turning back. I decided to slap my face a little but not loud enough so they can hear it from the door. I'm used to waking up early so I was able to fully awaken myself and looking towards the door. The lightning helped with identifying who it was. It was Alex and Alton and Alex even had tears in his eyes.

I remember from my memories that Alex and Alton are scared of thunder and lightning. I also recall a situation like this one that Alex and Alton wanted to sleep with Leo because they were scared but instead Leo laughed at them for it and slammed the door in their face.

Sighing I get off the bed and walked towards them. They looked up seeming shocked from the action. They were kneeling on the floor holding each other I think they were discussing if they should ask or not. I kneeled down so I was the same height as them.

"Do you guys want to sleep in my room tonight, don't worry I won't do anything"

I said that in a soft but also tired voice. They looked at each other and nodded slowly. They tried to stand up but just as they stood a lightning bolt hit the floor creating a loud noise. Alton was able to stay standing but squealed. On the other hand Alex fell towards the floor and rolled in a ball while sobbing.
I sighed again and crouched down to pick Alex up because it'll probably take a while for him to walk to my bed.

My bed is far from the door because even though my parents don't like me if people come to the house they don't want them to ask questions. So they gave me a big room.

I carried Alex and he seemed shocked but cuddled up to me after another lightning bolt struck the ground. Alton was now on the ground shaking. For someone who is older then me he sure looked younger. Ignoring that thought I placed Alex on my hip and held Alton's hand. Alton also looked shocked and blushed a bit.

As we walked to my bed another lightning bolt struck which made Alex cling onto me tighter and Alton squeeze my hand. I ignored the action and when we arrived on the bed I placed Alex on the bed. Then I entered beside him and dragged Alton next to me. I pulled the blanket on us making sure they were both covered. At this point I wasn't looking at their faces to see how they were reacting. After covering them I lied on my side facing Alex and said "goodnight" while closing my eyes. Just then lightning struck and they clung on to me from both sides making me sigh.

Then I heard from behind me Alton saying "t-thank you" and a second later I heard from my front Alex say "t-t-thank y-you" I hummed in satisfaction and wrapped my arms around Alex. Before I could hear another lightning bolt strike the ground I fell asleep.

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