Part 4

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Leo's pov

We went into town and spent about 2 hours buying clothes for Sillen and my brothers. They didn't want to buy anything at first but I kept on pressuring them too. In the end we spent a lot of my money.

"Thank you" - Allon

"Y-yeah thank you" - Alex

"Thank you so much b-brother" -Sillen

I smiled and kissed Alec and Sillen on the head since they were younger then me. And that made them blush.

"No problem"

I looked at Allon he looked down even if his face didn't show it that much. I kissed Allon on the head making him blush too. I smiled then grabbed Sillon and Alec's hands.

"Ok guys time to go home." They all nodded

While we were walking we heard some shouting and cheering.

"C-can we go see what it's about?" - Alec

"Yeah sure"

We walk towards the crowd to see what they're gushing about. And it was the fake face prince or most known as the perfect crown prince, Charles Endingberg.

"I-it's the crown p-prince." -Sillen

"Yeah I wonder what he's doing out in the open like this."  - Allon

"By the look of it he was hidden by a cloak but it fell off." - me

I could see the strained smile he was wearing I felt sorry for him but I couldn't just drag him away from the Crowd it'd look weird and I'd probably get in trouble.

I closed my eyes, looked down and sighed. It seemed like he noticed me because when I raised my head he was looking straight at me. I look around to make sure he wasn't staring at anyone else. Then I looked straight at him and gave him a nervous smile and a little wave.

He looked a little surprised but ended up chuckling a bit and smiling an sincere smile at me. Then it was my turn to be surprised.

"Hey we should go out parents are probably back and wondering where we are." -Allon

"Yeah your right let's go." - me

I looked back to the Prince who was still staring at me and I waved. He looked sad and disappointed. And made a sad smile at him and I walked away.

Charles pov

I felt like just going outside to get some fresh air and not be in the suffocating palace known as my house. I'm only 12 but I feel like I'm 50 yrs old because of how much work I've had to do. My parents want me to be the perfect heir. The citizens want me to be a perfect heir. Even my servants want me to be the perfect heir. But I just want to be myself.

I've had to distance myself away from my younger brother because of my workload and it hurts me. He's the only one I love and the fact that I can't talk or meet with him as much hurts me.

So I sneaked outside without telling anyone because I knew my parents or servants wouldn't let me. I wore a cloak in hopes of no one finding out my identity and me not having to put on a mask of happiness.

Though I never have luck on my side because someone bumped into me and my hood fell off. That's when I started attracting a crowd, praises and encouraging words that never really encouraged me. I hated it but I had to act like I liked it and like I was grateful for them. All I wanted was to peacefully walk through the town and act like a normal citizen. I never get my wishes too come true.

But thanks to the crowd I also attracted someone else, Leonard Sherman. I had to know every noble and everything about them. From what I learned he was a detestable excuse for a duke's son because he only had one ability and it wasn't even rare it was just common ice. I feel sorry for him. He noticed me staring at him and he smiled. It made me feel warm inside and made me smile a sincere smile back. Now that I have a close up look at him and not just magically made pictures he looks pretty... hot but cute at the same time.

I was blushing in my head for that thought. Next thing I knew he was waving goodbye at me. I'm sure I made a somewhat sad face because he smiled sadly back at me and waved some more.

I hoped I would see him again because I think I was gaining what was called a "crush" on him. I'll ask to see the eldest duke son to make good connections and hope that I will also see Leonard there. After I made that plan I decide that there's no need for me to stay here and I smiled my stunning smile while I told them I need to get home. They complained of course but I walked away and they knew they couldn't follow me.

Leo's pov

We got home and the servant told us that we should hurry and go into the dining room because our parents were waiting and getting angry because of going out without their permission. Sillen held my hand tighter. I knew that he was scared because my parents would probably get angry if they see a servant getting close with their masters.

"It'll be ok" I told Sillen in a soft voice while smiling.

He nodded and we walked towards the dining hall. The servants opened it and I saw two fuming parents directing their anger at me.

Allon's pov

We spent a long time outside even though it only felt like a minute. We had a lot of fun, me and Alex realised that Sillen is actually fun to be with. So we don't mind sharing Leo with him. And we bought a lot of clothes and accessories so I bet Leo's money is almost fully depleted, he didn't even buy anything for himself. But right now we are in trouble. A servant shouldn't be hanging out with their masters without performing their duties and are parents hate Leo so they will chew him out and punish him a lot.

Third pov

Leo, Sillen, Alton and Alex were all on edge. Alton and Leo aren't scared they are both ready to stand up for Sillen. While Sillen and Alex are hiding behind Leo to get away from the fuming faces of their parents.

"So would you mind telling us why Sillen isn't in butler clothes, and holding your hand? Would you also tell us why you went out without our permission?"

That's was Leo's "mother" who asked the question.

"Gladly, I consider Sillen to be my brother so I decided there was no reason for him to wear butler clothes"

"THATS ABSURD" Leo's mother said banging on the table. She isn't really good at handling her emotions.

"Calm down." Leo's father said with authority staring at his wife.

"What caused this behaviour? First you didn't want to sit next your mother, then you announced that you won't be hurting your brother or looking for approval and now your take you personal servant as a brother. This is unusual." His father stated.

And he want wrong this is completely out of character for leo and everyone could see that. But the three boys next to leo loved his personality now I doesn't want it to change. They've fallen in love with this new leo. And they want him to stay. They hope it's not all a trick and even if it has just been a day. It doesn't change their feelings. Yes it is weird especially since some are related by blood but they can't lie to their hearts.

"I understand father, this is unusual. I have never behaved like this before. But I have been knocked into my right mind. Not literally of course. Though I've seen the awful things I've done to Alex. And I've noticed my horrible personality. I've changed and this includes Sillen. He is only 11 the same age as me but a few months younger. He is my personal butler so I can do what I want with him. And I am going to treat him as my brother."

Everyone just looked at leo he also spoke with authority and was saying it like he was stating a fact. There was no room for argument. Everything he said was right and nothing he has done is wrong. Sillen is his so he can do what he wants with him. His parents couldn't argue.

"Fine you are dismissed" his father said

"What-" his mother began to argue but was cut of by the hand of by the hand of the duke silencing her.

The 4 boys looked at each other, smiled and exited.

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