The Dancing

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It was late when she entered the dance studio. She had purposely gone late thinking that no one else would be around. She was struggling with a few moves in the choreography, and she wanted to get a few more hours of practice in before their next group session.

So, she was very surprised when she opened the door of the practice room to find it was already occupied. She stopped just inside the door and was about to leave when they noticed her presence.

"Hello! We're just going over some of the new choreography, you're welcome to join us?"

"Thank you, Hoseok, but I wouldn't want to intrude -"

"You're not. Stay. Jin-Hyung needs all the help he can get."

"Yah! Don't act as if you're not here for Hoseok's help as well, Yoongi!"

"Umm, anyway, I don't think I'd be much help."

"I can help you too if you need me to?"

"That's okay. I was just going to work it out by myself."

She hesitated a little longer before walking further into the room. She didn't really want them to see her struggle, but she felt it would be more awkward if she left now. It would be obvious that she was avoiding them.

Putting her bag down, she started warming up on the far side of the room, trying to keep out of their way. Once she was done, she stood in front of the mirror. Something she had always had trouble with when it came to dance practice was rehearsing in front of mirrors. She didn't like looking at herself for so long, but it was something she'd had to get used to.

Closing her eyes, she focused on what she was there to go over. To be honest she was amazed she had been managing to keep up with the boys so far. She wasn't a dancer. She hadn't had any experience dancing before entering the TV competition in China. But she knew she had one person, in particular, to thank for her current dance skills.

"Do you want some help?"

She had been so focused that she hadn't even noticed Yoongi approach her.

"Oh, umm..."

"Hoseok went over the move you're practising with us earlier. It's a tricky one, huh?"

"Er, yes, that would be great, thank you."

They smiled at each other for a moment before Yoongi started breaking down the dance move step by step. It didn't take long for her to finally be able to do it, she had already been close, but with Yoongi helping her she succeed a lot quicker. They continued working through the more difficult moves, eventually joining Jin for Hoseok's lesson.

They were all sitting on the floor taking a break when Hoseok started asking her questions.

"We all watched the competition you were in. The Maknae's didn't tell us until afterwards that you didn't want us to. Sorry."

"It's okay. I don't mind that much, it's just, I wasn't that great on it, especially in the beginning."

"Well, you definitely weren't the worst. Some of them made you wonder how they got that far. At least you could sing."


"It did seem a little uneven. Some of those girls had been in groups before, while others had barely started training."

"Hm, more room for improvement, maybe?"

"Speaking of improvement... We've only watched the first few episodes, but you must have improved a lot while you were there."

"You mean my dancing?"


"Don't worry. I admitted from the beginning that I didn't know how to dance."

"But you can now?"

"I might have gotten a few extra lessons from the mentor on the show."

"What? You mean the young dancer guy?"

"Oh, yeah! The one who was in a K-pop group... what's his name?"

"Wang Yibo."

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