The Picture

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The first thing they did when they landed in America was to take her to a hospital to get looked at. Only Namjoon, his manager and a bodyguard went with her while the rest of the group went straight to the hotel. The doctor took a look at the wound on her cheek, redressed it and discharged her with instructions. The rest of the boys were waiting anxiously for them at the hotel.

"So, what did they say?"

"It will be healed in five days. I'm fine."

"That's only because cuts on the face heal quickly. The Doctor actually said that if she had come in straight after it had happened, then they would have given her stitches, but it had already started healing during the plane ride."


"Perhaps something good could come out of this."

The boys all looked at her like she was crazy.

"What good could come out of you getting hurt?"

"Stronger measures against fans crowding in airports to see their Idols. It's dangerous and scary and it's ridiculous that it's allowed to happen."

"Unfortunately, I think change won't happen that easily, but it must be all over the news. Has anyone checked?

The rest of the boys grimaced.


"What is it?"

"We checked while you and Noona were at the hospital and you are all over the news, but..."

"Is it not about what happened at the airport?"

"No, it is. It's just... not about you getting hurt."

"What do you mean?"

"Someone took a picture, well you could say, with the worst timing."

"I don't understand."

"I think it's better if we just show you."

Hoseok held out his phone to her and Namjoon. The picture on the screen was when he had been protecting her, but the shot didn't show the cut on her face. Instead, it showed her tucked against his chest, his arm around her, with one hand cupping her cheek and their faces close together.

"I see what you mean. About the worst timing."

"This picture has gone viral. The headlines read that you two are in a relationship."

"They said that's the reason Noona's in the group! How could they say such horrible things?"

"And there's nothing about her getting hurt?"

"If there was, it's been buried under this scandal."

"I'll - I'll talk to management. I'm sure they'll be putting out a statement and there should be an investigation into this assault."

She drowned out the sound of the boys talking as she wondered how this had all gone so wrong.

"Are you okay?"

Yoongi had moved to stand beside her and wrapped an arm around her. He led her to sit down.

"I'm sorry."

"What? Why are you sorry?"

"I've caused so much trouble for you. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt any of you."

"None of this is your fault. Unfortunately, things like this come with the territory. It's part of being an Idol."

"You say that, but BTS was the least scandalous group in K-pop before I joined. The only news Dispatch can get on you is that Kookie went out to buy banana milk!"

"Ah, I remember that. Quite the scandal indeed."

"I'm serious, Yoongi. This was all such a bad idea."

"Yeah, well it's a bit late to turn back now."

"You could do the tour without me. Everyone would be happier."

"We wouldn't. This album is as much yours as it is ours, we won't perform it without you."

She leaned against Yoongi's shoulder.

"I'm scared."

"Let us be your armour. Let us protect you."

"My bulletproof boys."

Yoongi's lips twitched at the slightly teasing tone in her voice.

"Maybe Bang-PD did know what he was doing when he gave us that name after all."

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