The War

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When they arrived at the airport, she and Yibo had a slightly awkward, but still heartfelt, goodbye in the car. He got his driver to take her back home and she watched him leave through the window wondering when she would get to see him again.

At home, a couple of her group members were waiting for her.

"Noona! You're back!"

Jungkook ran over to her.

"Jungkook? Yoongi? You didn't have to wait up for me."

"The little one insisted on it, so I decided to stay with him."

"Hyung! Don't lie. Noona, Yoongi-Hyung was worried about you."

"Is that right?"

"Actually, everyone wanted to stay up, but Yoongi-Hyung insisted it just be him."

"And you?"

The Maknae leaned in close and whispered to her.

"Hyung's soft for me. He never says no."

"Really? What's your secret?"

"Yah! I can hear you two whispering."

"Is Noona home?"

Out of their rooms came the rest of the members. Apparently, they had all still been waiting for her and by the looks on their faces, there was another reason for that, other than making sure she got home safely.

"What's wrong?"


She raised an eyebrow at Jimin who was shaking his head and Namjoon stepped forward with a sigh.

"Have you been on social media since our first performance?"

"No... Is it bad?"

She glanced around at each of them, hoping one of their faces would give something away.

"I think we started World War 3."

At Taehyung's words word, she swore she felt her heart skip a beat and a cold shiver ran down her spine


Jimin hit his fellow 95'er.

"Don't scare her! He's exaggerating, Noona."

"Well... he's not wrong."

Jin pointed out.

"Someone please explain!"

She started to panic. Hoseok and Namjoon tried to answer her as positively as possible.

"Opinions are very much divided."

"Half love you with us. A girl can keep up with the boys. Female empowerment, gender equality, and so on."

"And the other half?"

None of them wanted to answer, but with another sigh, the leader took the burden.

"Other than the fact that they say that BTS was doing great with just seven members... also, you being a girl in a group of boys has been one of the main topics of conversation."

Yoongi scoffed, causing her to look his way.

"It's ridiculous. Why can't a group consist of one girl and seven guys? Where does our gender come into it? We're creating music!"

"It's unusual."

Taehyung and Jimin clasped their hands together in comfort.

"You know what people are like when someone does something out of the norm."

They all knew what people were like, too well, unfortunately.

"Hey. Do you think that's why Bang PD-nim did it?"

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