2. A taste of Belladonna

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  Harry bowed his head at the two goblins standing guard before the doors of Gringotts, earning surprised looks from the small creatures before they mirrored his gesture and helped open the doors for the man. It had been much too long since any wizard had greeted them in the old way and offered them respect and the guards were sure to tell others of this strange man.

   Meanwhile, Harry moved across the marble hall floor with grace, no longer feeling burdened by the crowds that suffocated the streets, as there were maybe two other people in the bank at the moment, and none paid him or Hannah any mind. Reaching the counter, Harry greeted the goblin teller with a polite bow, and before the poor creature could compose himself from the shock the wizard spoke up in Gobbledegook, almost making the poor teller fall off his high chair.

"Gquiisomfr sikkiqu, lex sgi fukb ud xuaqu imiloir dokk xuaqu cgirsr.O el giqui duqu svu ckuubsirsr "

*Greetings teller, may the gold of your enemies fill your chests. I am here for two blood tests. (I translated this with google so please don't come after my head, I don't speak Gobbledegook)

The goblins around them that heard the man speak all turned around baffled, and the teller before him took almost a full minute to reply, his eyes as wide as teacups.

"Yir, ud cuaquri, dukkuv li.", it said motioning for the pair to follow him down a corridor guarded by two statues of goblin guards.

Yes, of course, follow me.

 Hannah had finally peaked out of his chest and was staring at the creatures curiously, and muttering silently to herself something about "needing to get some books on them". A small smile bloomed on Harry's face at her innocent curiosity, noting how much more relaxed she seemed to be after they left that dreadful house behind. It was liberating to see her get the chance he never got at a somewhat normal childhood.

   The teller directed them into a room with imposing golden doors and left quickly after whispering something to the goblin that received them. Harry almost had a stroke when he laid eyes on the one that they had been entrusted to and quickly bowed with his whole body, careful not to drop the child clinging to him. Before them, in a furred red cape that brushed the ground and luxurious clothes was a goblin the wizard had only heard of and seen a picture of in one of his old schoolbooks, King Ragnuk The Thrid, grandson of King Ragnuk the First the creator of Godric Gryffindor's sword. 

 "Mex ekk sgi quocgir emb fkuqux ud sgi vuqukb ci keob ciduqui xuaqu diis, xuaqu hofgmirr, komf refmaj tgi tgquob.", he said reverently while Hannah took the hint and also did her best to bow to the king without falling.

May all the riches and glory of the world be laid before your feet, your Highness, King Ragnuk The Thrid.

"Rori voyequb. Is ger ciim kumf romci umi ud xuaqu jomb ger rnujim uaqu kemfaefi emb fquiisib ar vosg quirnics. O el fquesidak sges es kiers ruli ud sgi okbim wex geti xis su ci kurs om xuaqu caksaqui emb duqu sges, o vikculi xua om uaqu gekkr." ,came the sharp reply.

Rise wizard. It has been long since one of your kind has spoken our language and greeted us with respect. I am grateful that at least some of the Olden Ways have yet to be lost in your culture and for that, I welcome you in our halls.

 Harry straightened his back, adjusting his grip on the little girl with a polite smile. He was aware that he had just received the highest of honor one can get, and practically made an official Goblin Friend, but he had to maintain his composure and play his cards well so that he could get the most benefices out of the situation. Once the greetings had been done per protocol both he and Ragnuk returned their conversation to the common tongue and began the actual meeting.

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