7. Henry doesn't like being an adult

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 Henry was pleased with how things had been developing. Sirius and Remus had accepted his offer and were currently living in a house on one of the properties that he owned and had direct access to. They had finished moving in about a week ago and he was contemplating visiting the two. With that thought in mind, he sent Mopsy to deliver them the message while he prepared himself. A quick charm was all it took to cover up the dark circles around his eyes while at home, but the property he had given them had a couple of bonus defense wards, amongst which one that would dispel such charms upon entry, so he had to do things the muggle way.

"Mopsy, please prepare the fireplace in the drawing-room for my trip." the wizard ordered while he applied the make-up. A charmed comb was styling his hair expertly and his long dark trenchcoat flew from the racks and waited for him to put it on.

"Papa, are you leaving already?", the squeaky voice of his ward made him turn to face the entrance of his room. The door was cracked open and Hannah poked her little head to look at him with a slight pout.

 A soft chuckle left his lips and his hand motioned for her to come closer. She happily obliged his unspoken request and skipped into the luxurious and elegant maroon chamber, dragging her toy broom and clutching the toy stag with the other hand. Henry had to physically stop himself from cooing at the adorable sight, instead clearing his throat with an embarrassed pink tint taking over the tips of his ears. 

"I have to go visit some...acquaintances." He told the little girl who plopped herself on his bed and began bouncing around, not really listening to the grown man excuse himself before her. 

She wanted to show him the new tricks she had perfected and was not pleased when discovering he was busy. Thus, she defaulted to a skill that she had spent a few days perfecting, guilt-tipping. She lowered her head and bit her lip enough to cause tears to gather at the corners of her eyes, then she lifted her head and looked Henry straight in the face with the saddest kicked puppy eyes she could muster.

 He instantly froze before practically leaping and scooping her into his arms, to the eternal desperation of his poor comb, who was left behind.

"I'm sorry little fawn, but I really have to check on them to see if they are alright. One of them has had a really hard period recently."He tried to appease the little girl in a sweet voice, although there was a hint of panic in his dark green eyes. For a few moments, the two just stared at each other wordlessly, as if trying to reach an understanding with only their eyes. Then Hannah shrugged her shoulders, her previous sadness gone in the blink of an eye, and jumped down from his arms with a small grin.

"Okay," She chirped before turning around and strode out of the room like nothing had happened.

 Henry sighed, half relieved, half exasperated at his little ward. "I'm starting to understand more and more why the sorting hat wanted to put me in Slytherin. Can't believe I got tricked by a 4-year-old."

A few seconds later he tramped down the hall leading to the drawing-room with his usual dignity and poise, tracing his fingers along the vial of wolfsbane resing in his pocket. With one fluid motion, he stepped into the fireplace and then exited upon reaching his desired destination.

 In the warm and bright living room, he was transported to a cold and tense atmosphere dominated. The two wizards awaited him with somber faces that could not hide their nervousness from Henry's keen eyes. They were both now wearing proper robes he has supplied them with and looked far healthier. Sirus was less pale than the last time the two had met and both of them looked to be eating better. Unfortunately, they were also looking at him with much sharper eyes than in their previous meeting.

"Did I suddenly turn into Voldemort and didn't notice?" Henry questioned quirking a brow. He ignored how they flinched at the name and nonchalantly plopped himself on the couch opposite them with a polite, if somewhat lazy, smirk. "How have you two gentlemen been? How are you finding the house?"

Sirius scoffed loudly, earning himself a swift elbow from the werewolf. A low hiss slipped bast his clenched teeth at the hit, but Remus ignored him in favor of offering the wizard in front of him a forced smile. "It's wonderful, we are very thankful."

Henry's smile quickly faded at the short answer, before he quickly changed the subject, "Wonderfull. Now, I wished to inform you that the property has special set borders that won't allow you to leave while in your werewolf form, so you can rest assured that you don't need to restrain yourself during the full moon."He continued, ignoring the low growl from Sirius and the paling face of the man beside him."However, in case you still desire to use other means to refrain yourself from accidentally harming someone during your transformation I've brought you some wolfsbane." 

The raven-haired man revealed the purple potion, complete with the intact seal of its maker, and quickly multiplied it before their eyes. Secretly he enjoyed the obvious shock of the two at the sight of his little trick. The Peverell library had many forgotten and powerful charms that he had been more than eager to learn, so multiplying magical objects and potions was no longer a problem for him.

 Remus covered his mouth with his hand and looked to the side while Sirius was still gaping at the vials that now covered the table between the couches. Henry merely gave them a patient smile and waited for the two to compose themselves.

"Why are you doing this? How do we even know these are real wolfsbane potions and that you aren't trying to poison Remus?! How do you even know he's a werewolf?!"

"Don't be an idiot, Padfoot, those potions have special seals that can't be replicated or repaired. They are veritable."Remus cut in, giving his friend a pointed look. "But I have to agree with him. Why are you doing this? And how do you know what I am?"He continued with hidden bitterness when speaking of what he was.

"I had a very dear friend who was also a werewolf. What you are has nothing to do with who you are.", he explained with a bit of strain in his tone. Why hadn't he noticed his previous life's Remus had been through so much pain due to being a werewolf? It wasn't fair, he thought to himself curling his fists, something that didn't go unnoticed by the two. Why had no one from the Order or his olf friends helped him? "And like I said, take this as me repaying an old favor."

 With that finally said, Henry let out a tired sigh, wordlessly and wandlessly casting a quick tempus. 

"Oh, dear, it appears I have spent more time here than initially planned. My apologies, but I must be on my way." Henry excused himself and with a curt nod of his head, leaving the same way he had come. Yet again he had left the pair with more questions than answers, but he had to bide his time until he could tell in certain where their loyalties lay.

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