6. Poker face

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 Henry watched awkwardly from the sidelines, feeling dreadfully out of place for once, although one couldn't tell he bore such thoughts beneath his small but jovial smile that didn't match his frozen eyes. He masked his longing with a polite and professional facade that he had been perfecting ever since his death, but that was not to say it was meant to be warm and welcoming. He intentionally left his eyes cold when smiling, just as a little reminder of how little he actually cared for the opinion of those who also sneered at him behind their masks.

  He had ushered Madam Bones and Mister Cambel a bit further from the two weeping friends, to not only give them some space but to also discuss some more private matters.

"Madam Bones, I believe you are aware of how much Lord Black has suffered both mentally and physically these past three years or so." His tone remained flat and inflexible, despite noticing the two before him tense at his statement. He continued in a low whisper, eyes steeled into something neither could decipher. "I must insist on getting Lord Black a full-body checkup at St Mungos and a mind healer. I understand the reservations you may have towards me, but I am prepared to pay for any costs such procedures may require until Lord Black feels he is capable of doing it himself."

"Why are you telling me this? What do you desire in exchange for your generous offer?", the blonde witch questioned, narrowing her eyes and staring the tall wizard before her straight in the eye.

"My, how could you insinuate such a thing," Henry replied, a sly grin tugging at the corner of his lips before his expression once again turned serious. " Currently I do not possess enough connections in your Ministry to ensure that such a thing will be done without...other outside involvement. You see, Madam Bones, I happened to have just returned recently from overseas after receiving some troubling news, thus my current knowledge and influence in Britain are quite limited. I'm not asking for charity from you, but for a favor." 

The implications of his words were left unspoken, but it was clear to him the message had been understood, as the woman straightened her back. She may not have known who he was, but he bore the lordship of Peverell, a fact she had already checked when he came into her office. Her magical wards had confirmed that the man's lordship rings were, indeed, authentic. That did little to clear her suspicions of him, but in front of her was the lord of a very powerful and ancient house, so she had to at least treat him with respect.

 It went unnoticed by the woman the soft voice in her mind whispering for her to trust him, and the way the corners of Lord Peverell's lips seemed to sharpen upwards just a bit, but not by Mister Cambell, who pursed his lips in a knowing smile. He was aware of the curtains of mystery his client was shrouded in, but he had been chosen by Henry personally and was paid well, so his loyalty was assured for the time being.

 Finally, the two men broke from their hug and turned to face the others. Although less tense than before, Sirius still placed a protective arm on his friend's shoulder, if not to remind himself that this was not a dream, then to be able to step in and protect Remus if this 'Lord Peverell' suddenly proved to be a blood extremist hell-bent on killing werewolves.

Henry almost pouted at the animagus' thoughts if it wouldn't have been such a serious situation. Instead, he turned his body slightly to face them, whit a small polite smile, trying to ignore the way his-no, Hannah's godfather's expression immediately soured. He mentally scoffed offended, it wasn't his idea to separate the two, to begin with, they should at least be a bit thankful for all the sleepless nights he had gone through just to see them together today.

"Well, I suppose I should introduce myself again for mister Lupin here." he tipped an imaginary hat at the pair. "My name is Henry Peverell, I am the current Lord of the House of Peverell and Mister Cambell's client. Mister Cambell is the one who has worked and succeeded in getting Lord Black's freedom back."

 Reading their thoughts he was quite pleased with the results of his little introduction. Sirus was confused as to why he hadn't taken the full credit for his release, Cambell was satisfied for being praised before so many important people, Amelia was still thinking over his offer and Remus was questioning so many things at the same time that Henry almost felt a migraine forming just from listening to them.

"I'm afraid that you, mister Lupin, have been brought here not as an official guest, but rather as moral support for Lord Black, so I'll cut straight to the chase. I'm willing to pay for any and all expenses you may accumulate for the next year or so on the condition, you agree to go to St Mungo's to get a full-body checkup and visit a mind healer. I'm not trying to impose on your private lives, but personally, I would recommend you and mister Lupin take my offer, as I am fully aware of the poor financial state you both find yourselves in right now."

"What are you talking about? Did you hit your head on something?!" Sirus barked out an incredulous laugh, watching as Henry's smirk fell a little before the wizard turned to face the solicitor beside him, receiving a folder which he then handed to them. He watched as Sirius' turned increasingly angrier upon flipping through the pages before he threw the folder at Henry's feet with a face filled with rage.

"What the hell is this, you bastard?" he spat out, ignoring Remus' desperate tugs on his coat and whispered pleas.

"Those, Lord Black" he swished his wand, gathering the papers back into the black folder and handing them back to Cambell." Are official statements from the bank regarding your fund and properties, which were confiscated by the Ministry upon your arrest on the date of 31 October 1981. Due to legal procedures and the time that has passed since that event, it would be very expensive and troublesome for you to attempt to reclaim them."

Henry looked the man in his eyes, trying to convey his sincerity when he spoke next. "I'm willing to offer you and mister Lupin financial support until the legal matters are resolved. Mister Cambell here has already begun working on the case and has assured me it shouldn't take longer than two years at maximum."

"Wait, why and I included there?" the werewolf cut in, clear confusion in his voice.

"Count it as a favor I owe to someone and am repaying to you. Besides, if I'm correct, and I know I am, Lord Black would require your company and support as a friend for at least a few months. I will leave you a few days to think over my offer-"

"Wait!"Sirus cut him off once again. "What's happened to my goddaughter? Where's Hannah?"He pleaded.

 The air in the room suddenly grew heavy, and all besides the former convict tensed up. There was a dark look in Lord Peverell's eyes that seemed to swallow the light in the room. His eyes bore unmasked anger and grief, something no one would've expected from the calm and level-headed lord. 

"I'm sorry.", was the only thing Henry muttered before bowing his head slightly at the rest and leaving in his elegant, calculated pace that made him look like he was sliding on the yellow carpets of the office. He paused for a moment in the doorframe, before turning only his head to face them.

"If I were you, I'd think twice before trusting Dumbledore this time. I will not blame you if you don't believe my words, but that man has done too much damage for me to overlook at this point. I'm not going to let him take any more people I care about from me, and you should do well not to stand in my path."His voice came out as a low growl, filled with bitterness and something the wizard couldn't pinpoint.

 A few moments passed after his departure when the solicitor offered them a curt nod and also left. The three were conflicted, but only one voiced it.

"He's right you know, at least to some extent," Amelia remarked "Dumbledore knew you were innocent and is, at least partially, at fault for your goddaughter being gone. I'm not one to advocate against the 'Light Side', but you have to admit some of his decisions don't make sense."She shrugged her shoulders.


Henry was strolling through the vast corridors of the Ministry when he heard the familiar voice, sounding quite hysterical. He sighed, at odds whit the fact he had played dirty had toyed with their emotions but resigned that this was how things were going to have to work from now on. Though he had to admit, Sirus had some serious lungs.

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