Chapter 1: Entrance Exam and First Day

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Author: Here is the second chapter of Emotionless Brutality. In this chapter, Izuku will be given the aid he needs in choosing a path for himself for the future.

Also update for Izuku's quirk: Izuku's quirk is a mutation type that inhibits him feeling all emotion in exchange for progressive growth of using more brain function.

Nezu took a seat on the couch, the small mammal holding a plate and dessert fork in his paws with a hearty slice of cheesecake on the plate.

Nezu: I do adore your cheesecake, Inko.

Inko: Actually, Izuku made this one on his own. He has been mastering my recipes for some time now.

Nezu chuckled to himself, should have known that Izuku would wish to learn everything his mother had to teach. The mammal looked up just in time to see Izuku walk in with a kettle.

Izuku: Uncle Nezu, sorry to keep you waiting. The tea just finished.

Nezu: No need to apologize, I do not mind waiting. Besides, the wait is worth it.

Nezu replied with a smile as Izuku began to pour tea into the provided cups. The aroma of the tea wafted up from the cups.

Nezu: Ah, Lychee Green this time. This is lovely.

Nezu smiled as he took an appreciative sip, the warmth and flavour of the tea filling his senses.

Inko: Nezu, as for why we asked you to come here... yesterday, Izuku told me some shocking news.

Nezu raised an eyebrow as he set the teacup down, his attention now grabbed.

Inko: Izumi, sadly, thought that Izuku wished to pursue heroics and the only way to deter him from doing so was to... subject him to bullying.

Nezu: Pardon?

Inko heard how stiff Nezu's voice got. Inko had known Nezu for years and knows that Nezu is someone one does not wish to cross.

Izuku: I was bullied both mentally and physically by my so called sister and one Katsuki Bakugou. However, their efforts were nothing sort of an annoyance.

Nezu: Izuku, an annoyance is if you find out your book was missing a page. This is a serious offence and subject of bodily harm.

Nezu explained calmly as he looked over at his nephew, seeing those cold eyes hide a sort of unconscious pain that Izuku possibly couldn't feel.

Inko: I'm afraid I am partially to blame as well. I had no clue that Izuku had been the victim of bullying for years and...

Inko felt tears beginning to well up in her eyes. She was to suppose to be his mother and protect him but she failed to notice his pain...

Izuku: Do not feel guilt over this, mother. I am not blaming you as you had no inclination of what transpired. Izumi and Bakugou both made conscious choice to do harm towards me, they are at fault here, no one else.

Nezu: Izuku is completely right. You not knowing is not a choice you decided to make but causing harm to someone deliberately is. I will be looking into this manner and take justified actions towards it.

The mammal's words seem to be finalized as he picked up his cup once again and took a sip, possibly to help calm his nerves.

Izuku: With that out of the way, Uncle Nezu I need some guidance.

Izuku's monotone words brought Nezu back to the subject of the phone call earlier.

Nezu: That's right, you need help in choosing what to do for your education correct?

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