Chapter 7: The Assault And...?

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Author: Holy WOW!!! I'm glad everyone didn't dislike my last chapter ^^ But regarding on what I do in this one, quite a few of you actually wanted Izuku to go after Overhaul as the rescue goes down.

A couple commenters states that the Bakugou rescue is the perfect cover for Izuku to act on his own.


Many of you also wanted Izuku to either assist or rescue Bakugou on his own. Unfortunately, the number of people wanting Izuku to go after Overhaul heavily outweighs the first option.


Izuku: You will not.

Mina: Wha- why not!? We can totally do it ourselves!

Denki: Yeah! I mean, how hard can it be?

Izuku: I will not repeat myself.

Izuku states, making the two quiet down whilst he stared at them.

The reason for Izuku to shoot down his friends? They wanted to perform the rescue of one 'Katsuki Bakugou' on their own without the Pros. They were currently arguing inside a hospital room where a few of their fellow students were resting in.

During the camp invasion, Momo had been chased by a raging Nomu that had various power tools attached to it's limbs. Thanks to the interference of class 1-B Yosetsu, she managed to survive. The heiress actually managed to place a tracker onto the retreating Nomu however, once Bakugou was captured, and now knew the location of where the L.O.V took their classmates.

Momo: Be sensible you two! Do you truly expect us to be able to perform a high-stake rescue on our own? We would be in their territory!

Kyoka: Exactly. It'd be different than the USJ incident, they'd have the upper hand there.

Hanta: Not just that, who's the say they won't have any extra Nomus there like the ones from the camp or Hosu incident?

Shoto: The pros should be left to this for us. My parents will be there on the assault and rescue team.

Izuku felt his phone buzz and he stepped out into the hall of the hospital before answering.

Izuku: Izuku speaking.

Inko: IZUKU!! Oh thank god! I couldn't get in contact with your sister and you wouldn't answer your phone! I heard what happened...

Inko, the poor woman was currently at home with a recently dropped off Eri by family friend, Tsukauchi.

Izuku: I am alright and Izumi is currently resting with minor injuries. How is Eri?

Inko: She's being brave for now but she was worried when you didn't go home with her. When are you coming home?

Izuku: Mom... I am sorry but I am not coming home. Not right away.

Inko inhaled sharply on the other end of the call.

Inko: Izuku... please don't do this.

Izuku: With the news focusing on the kidnapping case, it is my time to strike and take care of the Yakuza targeting Eri.

Inko: Izuku, no! You-you can't do that on your own! That is an entire base with dozens of powerful people!

Izuku: I apologize mom but I am doing this. Eri will always be at risk if I do not do this.

Inko: Izuku Yagi, I swear, if you-

Izuku: Please forgive me when I come home.

Izuku said before hanging up the call and shutting his phone off. He inhaled slowly, steeling his resolve.

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