Pro-Bending Game (3/1)

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Your Pov

I stood next to Ikki, Jinora, and Meelo waiting for Uncle Tenzin and Korra to arrive for air-bending training.

Up ahead I could see Korra's ponytail coming up the stairs.

"Korra's gonna airbed, Korra's gonna airbend!" Ikki jumped up and down while clapping her hands together.

"What is that contraption?" Korra eyed the large wooden panels used for airbending training. 

"A time-honored tool that teaches the most fundamental aspect of Airbending. Jinora, would you like to explain this exercise?" Jinora to a step forward towards the wooden panels.

"The goal is to weave your way through the gates and make it to the other side without touching them."

Korra smiled at the wooden panels

"Seems easy enough." 

"Jinora forgot to say you have to make it through while the gates are spinning!" Ikki happily said as Tenzin steps forward, and circles his bent arms in front of his body motioning air into the wooden panels causing them to spin quickly. 

Brings out a leaf from his sleeves "The key is to be like the leaf. Flow with the movement of the gates. Y/n will demonstrate," I took in a deep breath before closing my eyes and entering the wooden panels.

Moving through the panels hearing Tenzin continues to explain the process as I focus on my breathing.

I spin and turn as needed to easily avoid every panel.

With each step, I kept cycles in my palms held out in front of me.

Once I opened my eyes to find myself outside of the wooden panels.

I thrust out another gust of air into the wooden panels that are at full speed. 

Korra looked at me in awe before looking back at the wooden panels in determination

"Let's do this."

She ran headfirst into the closest panel and hit it hard enough to ricochet into the next panel beside her.

Tenzin, and I wince as Korra gives in to panic and breaks out into a full sprint that once again crashes into a gate.

She proceeds to do an impressive impersonation of a pinball in a machine as she stumbles out of control into a series of panels.

She finally gets tossed out of the gate area completely and lands hard on her backside as Meelo is smiling and Ikki has a look of horror.

"Don't force your way through!"

"Dance, dance like the wind!"

"Be the leaf!"

Korra gets hit by another panel. She ricochets around a few more times, before stumbling back out of the gate area.

 She collapses flat on her back in front of Tenzin and the kids.

 I quickly ran to the other side helping Korra off the ground. "That gotta hurt after what you've been through." Uncle Tenzin heavily sighs while shaking his head.

I put Korra's arm over my shoulder bringing her to her room.

Carefully placing her down onto her bed

"You're gonna want to rest after what you just experienced today."

"How come you're able to do that so easily?!"

Korra quickly got off her bed putting her hands on my shoulders.

"How did you do it?! Is there some secret way to get through those damn wooden panels!" I shake my head.

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now