Skeletons in the Closet (20)

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Your Pov

Asami and I sit on top of the crates watching Bolin playing with Pabu. Things aren't too bad down here in the seward's...

I wonder how Tenzin and his family are doing...

Asami glares at the sound of footsteps as Korra and Mako approach us. I stand up from the crate walking toward the duo.

Asami suspiciously questions her boyfriend.

"You two were gone a while."

Mako looked at her annoyed "We were reconnaissance."


Gommu gets in between the two groups.

"Welcome back! Hope you worked up an appetite, 'cause dinner is served."

He guided us to a spot with chairs around a pot cooking as he stirrs a pot of stew and pouring some into a dish.

"Thanks so much for letting us hide out with you the past few days." Gommu hands me a bowl of stew.

I sat down next to Asmai and Bolin holding a bowl of soup in my hand.

Gommu hands a bowl of stew to Korra.

"Honored to oblige. My associates and I heartily oppose Amon's so-called "Equalist" policies. We got benders and nonbenders living together down here, but do you see us fightin'?"

Gommu, who wraps his arms around himself. "No siree; we've figured out how to harmoniously co-exist."

"You are a wise and noble hobo." He sips a bit of the stew. "Mmmm. This is the best-tasting street gruel I've ever had. Seriously!"

"I culled it from the finest dumpsters the city has to offer!"

Asami's eyes close and open with small beady eyes as the top half of her face turns green.

She spits the food back into the bowl and coughs. As she surreptitiously puts the food on the floor behind her.

Pabu crawls up behind her and eats from the bowl.

"At least eat something." I whisper over to her as she nods her head.


"Are you happy you get to see Iroh?" Asmai playfully nudge me as my eyes wander down to the stone ground.

"Yeah... it's been five years since we've last seen each other..." I pick my eyes up to see Korra sitting next to Naga as Mako walks toward her.

"How's you're relationship with Mako? Things seem distance." Asmai hangs her head low letting out a sigh.

"I don't know if I can trust him...Korra and him kissed while we were together."

I remember that first hear break. But who told her about the kiss?

I turn my head watching Mako and Korra look at each other, but Korra looks away abruptly.

"I should probably try to get some sleep."

"Me too. Good night."

"Good night."

Korra leans back against Naga's side.

"My mind is already made up." I place my hand on her shoulder slightly smiling.

"I'll support whatever decision you'll make."

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now