Aftermath (13)

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Your Pov

"You don't know how worried I was. Leaving you behind during the equalist attack." I shyly shake my head sitting next to Asami.

"But I'm fine. I was able to save Mako, Korra, and Bolin before Amon's men took them." I reassure her as she seemed a bit tense.

"Without y/n we could've been in more danger." Mako spoke up sitting across from us.

"Probably locked up in a cage and our bending taken away." Bolin perked up eating some fruit with Pabu.

"And I'm not helpless. I've taken chi blocking lessons before I've showed any signs of bending." I admit to the group as a pear falls from Bolins mouth.

"Wait, you didn't show any signs of bending? Why?"

Mako nudged his brother's shoulder "You don't ask an insensitive question like that!" causing him to whimper a bit.


"It's alright Mako. Both of my parents are non benders. My chances of being a bender was low. So, my father enrolled me in chi-blocking classes to assure my safety."

Tenzin and Lin walk past the room and Korra walks behind them.

Mako quickly got up from his seat "What's going on? Why are they asking Hiroshi more questions?"

"I overheard him on the phone yesterday. Asami, I don't know how to tell you this, but I think your father might be involved with the Equalists."

Korra explains to him as Asami incredulously. "What? I don't believe this."

She stomped down the hallway walking toward her father's office as I quickly follow behind her.

This must be a misunderstanding...

"You spied on Hiroshi?" Korra takes a step back. "What's your problem?"

Asami opens the door and walks in. "My father is innocent. Just because we're not benders doesn't mean we support those awful Equalists."

Mako and Korra follow her into the office.

"Equalists?" Asami stands next to her father. "Is that what this is about? I can assure you I have nothing to do with those radicals."

"Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about, Korra."

Korra points at Hiroshi Sato "I overheard you on the phone. You said the Cabbage Corp investigation bought you time, and you're getting ready to strike. Explain that!"

I lower her hand shaking my head as

Hiroshi Sato laughs "This is all just a misunderstanding, resulting from the young Avatar's overactive imagination. My number one competitor was knocked out of the game. It's providing me an opportunity to strike the market with a new line of Satomobiles."

Lin averts her eyes "It's just business. Nothing nefarious."

Aunt Lin and Uncle Tenzin look at each other. As he turns to Mr. Sato "In order to put all suspicions to rest, might we have a look into your factories and warehouses?"

Asami sighs in annoyance, hands on her hips, but Mr. Sato raises his hands to stop her from speaking further.

"If you feel it's necessary, you're welcome to search all of Future Industries."



utside of the factory as the metal bender cops are lifted into the police airship while Lin and Tenzin watch. Korra rides in on Naga, and jumps down to approach them.

"I can't believe we didn't find anything."

"It would appear Hiroshi is innocent." Lin admits to the ground as Asami approaches with Mako, annoyed.

"Okay, you did your search. Now you can all leave"

Mako signals to Korra, and they move away to have a private conversation.

It feels off... between mako and I. Like we hit a wall.

"Why are you suspicious about Mr. Sato?" I curiously asked Lin and Tenzin.

"He has a motive his wife was killed by a firebender in their home." I guess it could be possible.

Mako walks away to Asami, one arm wrapping around her shoulder, and leaves as Korra sighs and turns away.

She turns to Lin and Tenzin. "I think you guys should hear this." Korra reads off the note.

"If you want to find the truth, meet me under the north end of the Silk Road Bridge at midnight." Korra reads the note.


The police airship over the bridge at nighttime as we wait underneath the bridge.

"Psst." Someone signaling to Korra and the others. As we turn our heads "Over here."

Warehouse worker comes out from hiding behind the pillar.

"Listen, I joined the Equalists because I believed in what Amon said. I thought he could make life better for us nonbenders. But I didn't sign up for this...this war" He turns his head toward them.

"What do you have on Hiroshi Sato?" Lin curiously asked. "He manufactured those gloves for the Equalists."

"I knew it!"

Korra confidently yelp as the warehouse worker lifting up the collar to hide his face. "And there are rumors he's working on something even bigger. Some new kind of weapon."

Tenzin lifti his hand in confusion. "We searched all of Future Industries and found nothing."

"That's because he has a secret factory."


"It's right underneath the Sato Mansion."

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now